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  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), and S. -K. Lin*, “Exploring effective charge in electromigration using machine learning”, MRS-T 2019, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • Y.-C. Liu, Y.-S. Yu, S. -K. Lin* and F.-Y. Wu (presenter), “Electromigration effect upon single- and two-phase Ag-Cu alloy strips: an in situ study”, MRS-T 2019, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • C.-A. Lin, R. N. Nasara, and S. -K. Lin* , “An ab initio study on development of Co-free layered oxides as cathode materials in Li ion batteries”, MRS-T 2019, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, and S. -K. Lin* , “The microstructure evolution on Aluminum thin film induced by voltage drop at fixed temperature: an in-situ XRD study”, MRS-T 2019, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • 黃婉渝、王瀚宇、林士剛* , “溫泉場域廢熱應用之相轉變材料分析”, MRS-T 2019中國材料科學學會108年會, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • 顏紹宇、汪皓哲、林士剛* , “高通量熱力學計算設計共格析出強化AlCuFeNiTi多主元合金”, MRS-T 2019中國材料科學學會108年會, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • 陳季昀、涂嘉豪、林士剛* , “鉈掺雜石榴石型固態電解質與鋰金屬介面之研究”, MRS-T 2019中國材料科學學會108年會, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • 王瀚宇、黃婉渝、劉永章、林冠儒、林士剛* , “熱力學計算輔助轉爐石高溫熔融還原路徑設計”, MRS-T 2019中國材料科學學會108年會, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • 陳奎希(POSTER)、陳玉清水、林士剛* , “第一原理探討Na3V2(PO4)2F3¬為正極之鈉鋰離子混合電池充放電機制”, MRS-T 2019中國材料科學學會108年會, Tainan, Taiwan.(November, 2019)

  • F.-Y. Wu, K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, and S. -K. Lin* , “Electromigration on Aluminum Thin Film:Lattice strain Induced Microstructure Evolution,” 2019 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Electronic Interconnection III, Taichung, Taiwan.(October, 2019)

  • S.-K. Lin* (keynote speaker), S. Nagao, E. Yokoi, C. Oh, H. Zhang, Y.-C. Liu, S.-G. Lin and K. Suganuma, “Nano-volcanic eruption of silver: a computational thermodynamics study,” The 2nd Materials Research Society of Thailand, Pattaya, Thailand.(July, 2019)

  • N. -T.- T. Tran, S. -K. Lin*, "Structural Optimization and Phase Stability of Cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 for Solid Electrolyte Application," ECEE 2019, Glasgow, Scotland (July 2019)

  • S.-K. Lin*(presenter), P.-C. Tsai and R. N. Nasara, "Ab initio phase stability and electronic conductivity of the doped-Li4Ti5O12 anode for Li-ion batteries,"2019 International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD XLVIII), Singapore (June 2019)

  • S.-Y. Yen(presenter), H.-C. Wang and *S.-K. Lin, "High-throughput CALPHAD-type calculation in screening coherent precipitate-strengthening AlCuFeNiTi multi-principal element alloys,"2019 International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD LVIII), Singapore (June 2019)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), S. Zhou, S.-K. Lin* and H. Nishikawa, "A computational Thermodynamic-Assisted Development of Sn-Bi-In-Ga Quaternary Alloys as Low-Temperature Pb-Free Solders," 2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2019), Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan (April 2019)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), H.-M. Liao, C.-Y. Yeh and, S.-K. Lin*, "A novel TLP bonding based on sub-micron Ga particles," 2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2019), Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan (April 2019)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter), "Low-temperature Lead-free Solders: Phase Equilibria and Interfacial Reactions," Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan (April 2019)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), S.-K. Lin and *D. Morgan, "Exploring effective charge in electromigration using machine learning," 148th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2019), San Antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2019)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), Y.-C. Liu, Y.-K. Kuo, and S.-K. Lin*, "Interfacial reactions in the Ga-doped Sn-0.7Cu/Cu couples and isothermal sections of the Sn-Cu-Ga ternary system," 148th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2019)San Antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2019)

  • C.-H. Yang, S. Zhou, H. Nishikawa, and S.-K. Lin (speaker), "Development of Sn-Bi-In-Ga Quaternary Low-temperature Solder," 148th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2019)San Antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2019)

2018 ​​

  • Y.-F. Wu (Presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Thermal Decomposition of LiPF6 in Li-ion Battery Electrolytes: static DFT calculation and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation," ICGET 2018, Tainan, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • C.-A. Liao (Presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Study of LiC6 Armchair Surface Stability with H/O Termination by Molecular Dynamics Simulation," ICGET 2018, Tainan, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • Y.-W. Wang (presenter), C.-F. Tsai and *W.-D. Hsu, "Development of Numerical System for Physical Vapor Transport Process Growing Silicon Carbide Bulk Crystal with COMSOL Multiphysics and Study of Introducing Different Cone-shaped Structure in Growth Chamber." MRS-T 2018, Taichung, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • C.-A. Lin (presenter), R.-N. Nasara and *S.-K. Lin, "An ab initio study on development of Co-free layered oxides as cathode materials in Li ion batteries." MRS-T 2018, Taichung, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • Y.-C. Liu, F.-Y. Wu, K.-H. Lin (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "Critical voltage induced electromigration in pure Al thin film: an in situ synchrotron radiation-based XRD work." MRS-T 2018, Taichung, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • Y.-W. Wang (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "利用COMSOL Multiphysics建立物理氣相傳輸智成模擬碳化矽晶體生長," 2018 COMSOL多物理量數位分身年會, Taipei, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • Y.-F. Wu (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "模擬預測矽晶片封裝組熱翹曲行為及接合銅柱應力," 2018 COMSOL多物理量數位分身年會, Taipei, Taiwan (November 2018)

  • C.-H. Yang (prsenter), S. Zhou, H. Nishikawa, *S.-K. Lin, "Development of Sn-Bi-In-Ga quaternary low-temperature solder," The IMPACT 2018 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (October 2018)

  • S.-Y. Yen(Presenter), S.-C. Wu, M. A. Makhraja, K.-C. Lo, A.-C. Yeh, K. Yoshimi, C. Zhang, and *S.-K. Lin, "超高溫相平衡實驗及建構鉬鈮錸三元系統熱力學模型," 中國鑛冶學會107年年會, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster) (October 2018)

  • Han-Yu Wang, Hung-Hua Yang, Yu-Lun Huang, Ku-Ling Chang, Guan-Ru Lin and *S.-K. Lin,"CALPHAD-assisted analyses on the modification of oxide and sulfide inclusions by calcium treatment," Notice of 6th cross-strait green materials & green processing forum, Shanghai, China. (Poster) (July 2018)

  • R.-N. Nasara (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and P.-C. Tsai, "An integrated investigation of the Rate-Liming Step in Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel anode materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries," 9th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2018)Kyoto, Japan. (Poster) (June 2018)

  • C.-A. Lin (presenter), R.-N. Nasara and *S.-K. Lin, "An ab initio study on multi-principle-element layered oxides as  cathode materials in Li ion batteries," 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2018)Kyoto, Japan. (Poster) (June 2018)

  • M.-L. Potestades (Presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab-initio study on cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 for all solid-state batteries," 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2018)Kyoto, Japan. (Poster) (June 2018)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), R.-N. Nasara and P.-C. Tsai, "Ab initio study of electronic study of simple and transition metal-doped Li4Ti5O12," 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2018), Kyoto, Japan. (Poster) (June 2018)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Electric current-induced intrinsic lattice strain: an in situ experiment and theoretical calculation," CALPHAD XLVII, Querétaro, México. (May 2018)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), S. Zhou, H. Nishikawa, and *S.-K. Lin, "Development of Sn-Bi-In-Ga quaternary low-temperature solder ," 2018 International Conference on Electronics Packaging and iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC2018), Kuwana, Mie, Japan. (April 2018)

  • H.-M. Liao (presenter), C.-Y. Yeh and *S.-K. Lin, "Ga-based Submicron Particle and Applications," The second Japan-Taiwan Workshop on electronic interconnection, Kuwana, Mie, Japan. (April 2018)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), S. Zhou, H. Nishikawa, and *S.-K. Lin, "Mechanical properties of Sn-Bi-In-Ga low melting temperature solder alloys," The second Japan-Taiwan Workshop on electronic interconnection, Kuwana, Mie, Japan. (April 2018)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), Y.-C. Liu, Y.-K. Guo and *S.-K. Lin, "Ga-doping effect upon Sn-0.7Cu/Cu interfacial reactions and the isothermal section of Sn-Cu-Ga ternary system," 147th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2018), Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (March 2018)

  • C.-H. Yang (presenter), Y.-C. Liu, Y.-K. Guo and *S.-K. Lin, "Ga-doping effect upon Sn-0.7Cu/Cu interfacial reactions and the phase equilibria in Sn-Cu- Ga ternary system," 147th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2018), Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (March 2018)

  • S.-Y. Yen (presenter), S.-C. Wu, M. A. Makhraja, K.-C. Lo, A.-C. Yeh, K. Yoshimi, C. Zhang and *S.-K. Lin, "Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Assessment of the Mo-Nb-Re Ternary System," 147th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2018), Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (March 2018)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "Electric current-induced slip/twin transition: an in situ EBSD study," 147th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2018), Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (March 2018)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "The electromigration effect revisited: an in situ SEM and SR-based XRD study," 147th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2018), Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (March 2018)

  • P.-W. Huang (presenter), R. N. Nasara, and *S.-K. Lin, "High-entropy oxides Li(Ni0.2Mn0.2Co0.2Zn0.2Cu0.2)O2 as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries," 147th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2018), Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (March 2018)


  • Y.-C. Chang (presenter), Y.-C. Chuang, C.-C. Liang and *W.-D. Hsu, "First-principles Study of Interface Between NCM Cathode Material and Electrolyte in Lithium Ion Batteries," IUMRS-ICA 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. (November 2017)

  • H.-M. Liao (presenter), C.-Y. Yeh, Y.-C Liu, M.-J. Wang and *S.-K. Lin, "Process optimization of Cu-to-Cu bonding using Ga-based sub-micron particles," IUMRS-ICA 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. (November 2017)

  • H.-A. Dewanto (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, Y.-L. Huang and Y.-S. Su, "CALPHAD Assisted Analysis, Prediction, and Elimination of Carbide Segregation in High-carbon Chromium Steels," IUMRS-ICA 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. (November 2017)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "On The New Insight of Electromigration Effect: In Terms of Conventional Solid Mechanics’ Standpoint," The IMPACT 2017 ConferenceTaipei, Taiwan. (October 2017)

  • Y.-C. Liu, F.-Y. Wu (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "A Critical Voltage Drop For Electromigration Effect Occurrence," The IMPACT 2017 ConferenceTaipei, Taiwan. (October 2017)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "In situ EBSD Studying on The Electric current-induced twining," The Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Electronic Interconnections I​, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2017) (Oral Presentation First Place)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), and *S.-K. Lin, "A Mechanism Study on The Electromigration Effect," 2017 Third Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (3rd ACMT), Tainan, Tainan. (October 2017)

  • H.-M. Liao (poster), C.-Y. Yeh, C.-H. Yang, and *S.-K. Lin, "A Novel Solid-solution Type TLP Bonding Using Sub-micron Ga-based Paste in Cu-to-Cu Interconnection," The Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Electronic Interconnections I​, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2017) (Poster Third Place)

  • R.-N. Nasara (presenter), *S.-K. Lin and P.-C. Tsai, "Defect engineering of Li4Ti5O12 anode with enhanced electrochemical properties for Li ion batteries by thermal reduction," 146th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2017), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2017)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), C.-Y. Yeh, M.-J. Wang, H.-M. Chang, "Ultra thermal stable Cu-to-Cu interconnection," 146th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2017), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2017)

  • C.-Y. Yeh (presenter), Y.-K. Kuo, *S.-K. Lin, "Ductile and strong Cu-to-Cu interconnection using Ga-based pastes for applications on 3D IC and WBG devices," 146th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2017), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2017)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab initio critical product of Blech distance and current density," 146th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2017), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2017)

  • *S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), "Ab initio study on the charging/discharging behaviors of lithium-rich layered composite cathode material in lithium-ion batteries," Taiwan-Germany Joint Workshop on Advanced Secondary Battery Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan. (February 2017)


  • Y.-N. Pei (presenter), R.-N. Nasara and *S.-K. Lin, "Highly defective Li4Ti5O12 anode material with enhanced rate capability for  Li ion batteries utilizing thermal reduction," CSME2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (December 2016)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), Y.-C. Chuang and P.-C. Tsai, "Ab initio Mechanistic Study on the Changing Behavior of Lithium-rich Layered Composite Cathode Material in Lithium-ion Batteries," 2016 MRS fall meeting, Boston, U.S.A. (November 2016)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), Y.-C. Liu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, and H.-Y. Lee, “On the Electromigration and Lattice Stability under Electric Current Stressing,” 2016 The Materials Research Society (MRS) fall meeting, Boston, U.S.A. (November 2016).

  • *J.-J. Yang (poster) and W.-D. Hsu, "第一原理方法研究鈦酸鉛摻雜鑭之缺陷形成機制," 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *Y.-A. Sun (poster) and W.-D. Hsu, "以多尺度模擬研究鍶含量對鍶鋇鈮陶磁鐵電性值之影響," 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *C.-J. Lee (poster) and W.-D. Hsu, "第一原理計算篩檢高電壓鋰電池添加劑之電化學性質," 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *W.-H. Chang (poster) and W.-D. Hsu, "不同金屬陽離子在MnO2中對酯化反應之效能," 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *W.-C. Chiu (poster) and W.-D. Hsu, "以第一原理計算鑭摻雜鈦酸鋇之缺陷補償機制及生成能," 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *S.-Y. Lee (poster), Y.-H. Su and S.-K. Lin, "熱力學計算輔助高錳高鋁鋼連鑄鑄粉開發,” 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *C.-C. Liang (poster) and S.-K. Lin, "鋰電池中元素摻雜LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2陰極材料之第一原理計算研究,” 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • Y.-C. Liu (poster), Y.-S. Yu and *S.-K. Lin, “Electric currents-induced microstructure evolution of the Ag-25at.%Cu alloys,” 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)

  • *S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), Y.-C. Chuang and P.-C. Tsai, "An ab initio mechanistic investigation on the charging/discharging behaviors of xLi2MnO3•(1-x)LiM’O2 composite-layered cathode material for lithium-ion batteries," 2016 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (MRS-T), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2016)  

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee and *S.-K. Lin, “On the origin of electric current induced stress: An in situ synchrotron radiation and ab initio study,” The IMPACT 2016 conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2016).

  • *S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), Y.-C. Chuang and P.-C. Tsai, "層狀過鋰複合正極材料之原子級解析," 2016年先進鋰離子電池研討會, Tainan, Taiwan. (October 2016)

  • Y.-C. Liu (poster), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee, J.-J. Lee, C.-C. Kao, and *S.-K. Lin, “On the Origin of Electric Current Induced Phase Equilibria Change”, The 22nd NSRRC Users' Meeting & Workshops, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (September 2016)

  • R.-N. Nasara (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Synthesis of Li4Ti5O12 with high oxygen vacancy concentration as anode materials with enhanced rate capability for Li ion batteries," The 2016 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2016)

  • R.-N. Nasara (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Highly defective lithium titanate oxide anode with enhanced rate performance for lithium-ion batteries," 2016 Taiwan Phase Diagrams Meeting (TAPHAD), Taichung, Taiwan. (September 2016) (口頭論文發表第二名)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Electric currents-induced mechanical behaviors of materials", 2016 Taiwan Phase Diagrams Meeting (TAPHAD), Taichung, Taiwan. (September 2016(口頭論文發表第三名)

  • Y.-C. Chuang, P.-W. Huang (poster), P.-C. Tsai and *S.-K. Lin, "An ab initio mechanistic study on the charging/discharging behaviors of lithium-rich layered oxide as cathodes in lithiumion batteries," 2016 綠色電化學科技學術研討會暨2016年台灣電化學學會年會, Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2016)

  • C.-M. Wu, *C.-C. Chang (presenter), P.-I. Pan, M. Avdeev, *C.-P. Liu, Y.-W. Cheng, S.-K. Lin, P.-C. Tsai," Understanding the inserted sodium in spherical carbon and hard carbon electrode of sodium ion battery," 2016 綠色電化學科技學術研討會暨2016年台灣電化學學會年會, Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2016)

  • Y.-A. Sun (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Effect of Sr-to-ba Ratio on Ferroelectricity of Strontium Barium Niobate SrxBa1−xNb2O6," The International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials 2016 (IUMRS-ICEM2016), Singapore. (July 2016)

  • C.-J. Lee (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Computational screening of promising additives in high-voltage lithium ion batteries," The International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials 2016 (IUMRS-ICEM2016), Singapore. (July 2016)

  • N.-F. Cheng (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Domain Pattern for Oxygen Deficient PbTiO3," The International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials 2016 (IUMRS-ICEM2016), Singapore. (July 2016)

  • B.-H. Wu (presenter), P.-W. Yang, P.-C. Wu, Y.-F. Chen, C.-W. Hu, T.-L. Lin, T.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Chang and *W.-D. Hsu,"A DFT Study on Lattice Expansion of PP/PE/PP Micro-Porous Separator in Lithium-ion Battery," The International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials 2016 (IUMRS-ICEM2016), Singapore. (July 2016)

  • *S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), "CALPHAD-assisted materials design for new steel and new materials in steelmaking," 2016 MOST-NIMS Workshop for Innovative Materials for Safe and Sustainable Society, Tainan, Taiwan. (June 2016)

  • S.-G. Lin (poster), Y.-H. Su, K.-L. Chang and *S.-K. Lin, "CALPHAD-assisted morphology control of manganese sulfide inclusions in free-cutting steels," CALPHAD XLV The forty-fifth International Conference on CALPHAD (2016 CALPHAD XLV), Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan. (May 2016)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), S. Nagao, E. Yokoi, C. Oh, H. Zhang, Y.-C. Liu, S.-G. Lin and K. Suganuma, "Silver nano-volcanic eruption: A CALPHAD un-puzzling," CALPHAD XLV The forty-fifth International Conference on CALPHAD (2016 CALPHAD XLV), Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan. (May 2016)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee and *S.-K. Lin, "On the lattice stability of copper under current stressing," CALPHAD XLV The forty-fifth International Conference on CALPHAD (2016 CALPHAD XLV), Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan. (May 2016)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), C.-Y Yeh, M.-J. Wang, H.-M. Chang, "Ultra thermal stable Cu-to-Cu interconnection," 2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2016), Sapporo, Japan. (April 2016)

  • C.-Y Yeh (presenter), Y.-K. Kuo, *S.-K. Lin, "A novel approach for forming ductile Cu-to-Cu interconnection," 2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2016), Sapporo, Japan. (April 2016)

  • R.-N. Nasara (poster), P.-C. Tsai *S.-K. Lin and K.-Z. Fung, "Novel synthesis of defect Li4Ti5O12 spinel with enhanced high-rate capability utilizing an ethanol thermal reduction process" 2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Phoenix (2016 MRS), Phoenix, Arizona. (March 2016)

  • *H. Zhang (presenter), S. Nagao, S.-K. Lin, E. Yokoi, C. Chen and K. Suganuma, "A novel mechanism of silver microflakes sinter joining," China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) 2016, Shanghai, China. (March 2016)

  • *K. Suganuma (presenter), S. Nagao, T. Sugahara, E. Yokoi, H. Zhang, J. Jiu and S.-K. Lin, "Silver Sinter Joining for WBG Die-attach," 2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Phoenix (2016 MRS), Phoenix, Arizona. (March 2016)

  • Y.-C. Chuang (poster), P.-C. Tsai and *S.-K. Lin, "Why Does Li-rich Layered Oxide Cathode Material Degrade in Lithium Ion Batteries?," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)

  • C.-S. Huang (poster),*S.-K. Lin and C.-L. Huang, "An Eco-friendly Red Phosphor with Very High Intensity," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)

  • Y.-C. Liu (poster), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee, *S.-K. Lin, "Why does electromigration occur? – A combinatorial study using ab initio calculations and synchrotron radiation diffractometry," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), *S. Nagao, C. Oh, H. Zhang, Y.-C. Liu, S.-G. Lin and *K. Suganuma, "Low-temperature pressure-less silver-to-silver direct bonding at ambient condition: Part II-Mechanistic study," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)

  • *S. Nagao (presenter), C. Oh, *S.-K. Lin, H. Zhang, E. Yokoi, T. Ishibashi and *K. Suganuma, "Low-temperature pressure-less silver-to-silver direct bonding at ambient condition: Part I-Experimental study," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)

  • C.-S. Huang (presenter), Y.-D. Ho, C.-L. Huang and *S.-K. Lin, "An Experimental and Computational Approach to Properties of Mg2TiO4: Mn+4 Red Emitting Phosphor," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)

  • Y.-C. Chuang (presenter), P.-C. Tsai and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab Initio Mechanistic Study on the Charging/Discharging Behaviors of the Layered-layered Lithium-rich Composite Cathode for Lithium-ion Batteries," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee and *S.-K. Lin, "A New Insight on the Electromigration Effect: Strain-induced Atomic Migration under Current Stressing," 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (February 2016)


  • Q.-X. Lao (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "微波輔助異質催化轉酯反應之氧化鍶固態催化劑開發," 2015 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (2015 MRS-T), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • N.-F. Cheng (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "以分子動力學模擬研究鈦酸鉛摻雜鋯之極化分佈," 2015 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (2015 MRS-T), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • Y.-A. Sun (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "探討鍶鋇鈮系列材料之含量對局部結構影響," 2015 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (2015 MRS-T), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • B.-H. Wu (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "鋰離子電池中隔離膜之行為探討," 2015 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (2015 MRS-T), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • Y.-C. Liu(poster), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee, and *S.-K. Lin, "Electric current-induced strain gradients and atomic migration:An in situ synchrotron radiation and ab initio study," 2015 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (2015 MRS-T), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • *S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), Y.-C. Liu, C.-K. Yeh, and Y.-S. Yu, "Alloy Phase Stability and Phase Equilibria under Electric Current Stressing," 2015 The Materials Research Society of Taiwan (2015 MRS-T), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • R.-N. Nasara (poster), K.-W. Lu, Y.-T. Pan, P.-C. Tsai, W.-C. Lin, C.-T. Ni, *S.-K. Lin and K.-Z. Fung, "Defect Engineering and electrochemical performance of Li4Ti5O12 Defect spinel anode material utilizing a modified RAPET approach," 5th international symposium on advance ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications Toward a Low Carbon Society (2015 ACTSEA), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2015) (2015 ACTSEA 優秀論文獎第一名)

  • Y.-C. Chuang (poster), P.-C. Tsai and *S.-K. Lin, "Theoretical mechanistic investigation on the first charging behaviors of xLi2MnO3•(1-x)LiM’O2 composite-layered cathode for lithium-ion batteries," 5th international symposium on advance ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications Toward a Low Carbon Society (2015 ACTSEA), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • B.-H. Wu (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "The research of the behavior of separator in lithium ion battery," 5th international symposium on advance ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications Toward a Low Carbon Society (2015 ACTSEA), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • F.-W. Lin (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Theoretical studies on different mechanism of SEI formation between electrolyte and 1,3-propane sultone in lithium ion battery," 5th international symposium on advance ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications Toward a Low Carbon Society (2015 ACTSEA), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • Y.-C. Chuang (poster), P.-C. Tsai and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab initio mechanistic study on the first charging behavior of the lithium-rich composite cathode material for lithium-ion batteries," 62ndTaiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • R.-N. Nasara (poster), K.-W. Lu, Y.-T. Pan, P.-C. Tsai, W.-C. Lin, C.-T. Ni, *S.-K. Lin and K.-Z. Fung, "Defect engineering and electrochemical performance of Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel anode material utilizing a modified RAPET approach," 62ndTaiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015) (62nd TwICHE Annual Conference Excellent Poster Presentation Award)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter), S.-J. Chiu, C.-C. Kao, J.-J. Lee, and *S.-K. Lin, " Critical voltage-drop induced atomic diffusion in Al stripes - An in situ synchrotron X-ray diffractometry study," 62ndTaiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2015)

  • *W.-D. Hsu (presenter) and C.-W. Liao, "Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of tire rubber by multi-scale simulations," 1st Associationa of Computational Mechanics Taiwan Conference (2015 ACMT), Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • S.-G. Lin (presenter), *S.-K. Lin and Y.-H. Su, "快削鋼中硫化錳介在物之形貌控制技術開發," CIMME, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • C.-S. Huang (presenter), Y.-D. Ho, C.-L. Huang and *S.-K. Lin, "Non-Rare Earth Mg2TiO4: Mn+4 Red Emitting Phosphor: A combined Experimental and Ab Initio Study," The IMPACT 2015 conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • H.-M. Liao (presenter), C.-Y. Yeh, T.-C. Wang, Stuwart Fan, Futton Chu, Louie Huang and *S.-K. Lin, "Effects of Ni, Co, Bi-co-doping upon Sn-Ag-Cu solder/Cu joints,"  The IMPACT 2015 conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • Y.-C. Liu (poster), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee and *S.-K. Lin, "On the mechanism of electromigration effect: An in-situ synchrotron radiation and ab initio study," The IMPACT 2015 conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • *S.-K. Lin (poster), P.-C. Tsai, and W.-D. Hsu, "Ab initio-aided Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel electrode materials designs for durable lithium ion batteries," The 66th International Society of Electrochemistry Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • Y.-C. Chuang (poster), P.-C. Tsai and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab initio lattice stability of the xLi2MnO3•(1-x)Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 composite-layered cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries," The 66th International Society of Electrochemistry Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • R.-N. Nasara (poster), K.-W. Lu, Y.-T. Pan, P.-C. Tsai, W.-C. Lin, C.-T. Ni, *S.-K. Lin, and K.-Z. Fung, "A modified RAPET approach to Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel nanoparticles as anode material for lithium ion batteries,The 66th International Society of Electrochemistry Annual MeetingTaipei, Taiwan. (October 2015)

  • *K. Suganuma (presenter), S. Nagao, T. Sugahara, J. Jiu, E. Yokoi, H. Zhang and S.-K. Lin, "Nanoparticle or Microparicle sintering for 3D/Power Assembly?", The 10th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2015), Anchorage Alaska, USA. (September 2015)

  • Y.-C. Liu (poster), S.-J. Chiu, C.-C. Kao, J.-J. Lee and *S.-K. Lin, "Why is electromigration not observed below the “Blech distance”?- An in situ synchrotron radiation study," The 21st NSRRC Users' Meeting & Workshops, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (September 2015)

  • Y.-C. Liu (poster), Y.-S. Yu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-Y. Lee and *S.-K. Lin, "Electric current-induced strain gradients and atomic migration: An in situ synchrotron radiation and ab initio study," The 21st NSRRC Users' Meeting & Workshops, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (September 2015)

  • C.-S. Huang (poster),Y.-D. Ho, C.-L. Huang and *S.-K. Lin, "An Experimental and Computational Approach to Properties of Mg2TiO4: Mn+4 Red Emitting Phosphor, " 2015 Taiwan Phase Diagrams Meeting (TAPHAD), Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2015)

  • S.-G. Lin (poster) and *S.-K. Lin, "Thermodynamic study of MnS inclusion formation in steel, " 2015 Taiwan Phase Diagrams Meeting (TAPHAD), Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2015)

  • R.-N. Nasara (presenter), Y.-C. Chuang(presenter), K.-W. Lu, Y.-T. Pan, P.-C. Tsai, W.-C. Lin, C.-T Ni, *S.-K. LinW.-D. Hsu and K.-Z. Fung, "Ab initio materials design and modified-RAPET syntheses of lithium titanate anode for rechargeable batteries," 2015 Taiwan Phase Diagrams Meeting (TAPHAD), Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2015)

  • Y.-C. Liu (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Research activities in NEXT-G Materials Design," 2015 Taiwan Phase Diagrams Meeting (TAPHAD), Taipei, Taiwan. (September 2015)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), G.-L. Ou, Y.-H. Su, and M.-J. Lu, "Interfacial reactions between high-Mn high-Al steels and continuous casting mold fluxes," The 4th Cross-strait Green Materials & Green Processing Forum, Beijing, China. (September 2015)

  • F.-W. Lin (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Thermodynamic and Kinetic studies on Formation Mechanism of Solid-electrolytes Interface in the Mixture of Ethylene Carbonate and 1,3-propane Sultone in Lithium ion Battery," The International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies&the International Union of Materials Research Societies2015 (ICMAT&IUMRS-ICA2015), Singapore. (July 2015)

  • M.-A. Makhraja (presenter) and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab initio-aided thermodynamic reassessment of the Mo-Zr binary system," The 8th Conference of Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-8)Taipei, Taiwan. (June 2015)

  • N.-F. Cheng (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu,"Polarization distribution of Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 studied by molecular dynamic simulations," 2015 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Ceramic Society, Taipei, Taiwan. (May 2015)

  • Y.-A. Sun (presenter) and *W.-D. Hsu, "An ab initio-aided investigation on the change of ferroelectric properties induced by strontium content in strontium barium niobium ," 2015 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Ceramic Society, Taipei, Taiwan. (May 2015)

  • C.-W. Liao (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Strengthening or Weakening Copper Nanowires by Tuning Twin-boundary Spacing and Diameter," 2015 Material Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit (MRS 2015), San Francisco, USA. (April 2015)

  • F.-Y. Chiu (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Selective dissociation of water and methanol on SrO surface in the biodiesel reaction," 2015 Material Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit (MRS 2015), San Francisco, USA. (April 2015)

  • S.-C. Wu, K.-L. Cheng, C. Zhang, and *S.-K. Lin (presenter), "Re-assessment of the Mo-Nb, Mo-Re, and Nb-Re binary systems," 144th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2015), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2015)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin and W.-D. Hsu, "An ab initio-aided experimental investigation on W-doped Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel as anodes for Li ion batteries," 144th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2015), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2015)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin and W.-D. Hsu, "Ab initio physical and electrochemical properties of Kröhnkite-type Na2Fe(SO4)2∙2H2O sulfate as cathode for Na ion batteries," 144th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2015), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2015)

  • *S.-K. Lin, Y.-C. Liu(presenter),  "Phase stability of Sn-Pb, Sn-Cu and Sn-Ag binary systems under current stressing," 144th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2015), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2015)

  • Y.-K. Kuo (presenter), T.-L. Nguyen, and *S.-K. Lin, "Interfacial reactions in Sn-0.7Cu-xGa/Cu joints and phase equilibria of the Cu-Ga-Sn ternary system at 200 °C," 144th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2015), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2015)

  • M.-J. Wang (presenter), H.-M. Chang, and *S.-K. Lin, "A novel Ga-based Cu-to-Cu bonding approach for 3D IC packaging," 144th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2015), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2015)


Conference Papers


  1. Shih-kang Lin*, Shao-yu Yen, and Hideyuki Murakami (2023, Jun). High-throughput CALPHAD-assisted design of the low-density Al-Co-Cr-Mo-Ti bcc/B2 refrac-tory high-entropy superalloy. 50th International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD 2023), Cambridge, MA, USA 美國麻薩諸塞劍橋. 

  2. Yu-ning Chiu, Shao-yu Yen, Chung-yi Yu, and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Jun). High Temperature Al-Zn-Mg Alloys Design: High-throughput DFT Calculations and Machine Learning. 50th International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD 2023), Cambridge, MA, USA 劍橋, 麻薩諸塞州, 美國. 

  3. Shih-Kang Lin*, Chih-Han Yang, Yu-Chen Liu, Yuki Hirata, Hiroshi Nishikawa (2023, Apr). How to enhance Sn-Bi low-temperature solder by alloying?. 2023 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP), 日本九州熊本市. 

  4. Yu-Chen Liu, Ahmad Kholik, Shih-Kang Lin (2023, Apr). A machine learning approach to explore tensile properties of low-temperature solders. 2023 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP), 日本九州熊本市.

  5. Shubhayan Mukherjee, Yu-chen Liu, Shih-kang Lin (2023, Mar). Electric current effects upon ƞ & ƞ’ Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compound. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  6. Shao-Yu Yen, Hao-che Wang,Hideyuki Murakami,Shih-kang Lin (2023, Mar). Composition Design of Coherent Precipitate-strengthening Multiprincipal Element Alloys by High-throughput CALPHAD-type Calculation. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  7. Shao-Yu Yen, Hideyuki Murakami, Shih-kang Lin (2023, Mar). High-throughput CALPHAD-type Calculation in Design of Coherent Precipitate-strengthening Al-Co-Cr-Mo-Ti Refractory High Entropy Superalloys. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  8. Shih-kang Lin, Yu-chen Liu, Ciou-Ren Lee (2023, Mar). Electric current-induced lattice strain and grain orientation change in silver strip. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  9. Yu-chen Liu, Ahmad Kholik, Shih-kang Lin (2023, Mar). Machine Learning Models of Ultimate Tensile Strength and Elongation for Low-temperature Solder. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  10. Yu-ning Chiu, Chung-yi Yu, Shih-kang Lin (2023, Mar). Transition Mechanism for the Metastable Phases in Al-ZnMg Alloys: A Novel Molecular Dynamics Approach. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  11. Yu-ning Chiu, Shao-yu Yen, Chung-yi Yu, Shih-kang Lin, (2023, Mar). Ab initio exploration of alloying elements for stabilizing η’ nanoprecipitates in Al-Zn-Mg alloys. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA.

  12. Jian-wei Huang, Tzu-hsuan Huang and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Feb). The flux design for gallium oxide on the bonding process. 2023 11th Taiwan Phase Diagram Meeting2023第11屆臺灣相圖會議, Taipei, Taiwan 台北, 台灣. 

  13. Shao-yu Yen, Murakami Hideyuki, and Shih-kang Lin (2023, Feb). High-throughput CALPHAD-assisted design of bcc/B2 Al-Co-Cr-Mo-Ti refractory high entropy superalloy. 2023 11th Taiwan Phase Diagram Meeting2023第11屆臺灣相圖會議, Taipei, Taiwan台北, 台灣.

  14. Shubhayan Mukherjee, Yu-chen Liu and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Feb). Electrical Current Effects upon the Crystallographic Analysis of the Cu6Sn5 Intermetallic Compounds. 2023 11th Taiwan Phase Diagram Meeting2023第11屆臺灣相圖會議, Taipei, Taiwan 台北, 台灣.

  15. Yi-Jhen Kuo,Yu-Ning Chiu,Kai-Chun Chang,Ping-chieh Cheng and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Feb). Behaviors of iron ores reduction by nitrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide mixture at 200℃-900℃. 2023 11th Taiwan Phase Diagram Meeting 2023第11屆臺灣相圖會議, Taipei, Taiwan 台北, 台灣. 

  16. Yu-ning Chiu, and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Feb). Development of high thermal stability aluminum alloys: a first-principles study. 2023 11th Taiwan Phase Diagram Meeting2023第11屆臺灣相圖會議, Taipei, Taiwan 台北, 台灣. 

  17. Shih-kang Lin (2023, Jan). Interfacial stability of LLZO/LCO and LLTO/LNMO systems in oxides-based all-solid-state Li batteries. The 47th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2023), Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. 


  1. Che-an Lin, Martin Ihrig, Kuan-chen Kung, Hsiang-ching Chen, Olivier Guillon, Shih-kang Lin (2022, Nov). Advanced co-sintering of a LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 and Li0.33La0.55TiO3 composite cathode for all-solid-state Li batteries. International Bunsen Discussion Meeting Solid-state Batteries V, Frankfurt, Germany.

  2. Hsiang-ching Chen, Yu-chen Liu, Wan-yu Wang, Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Nov). Computation-assisted Design of Nitrate-based Phase Change Materials for Waste Heat Recovery. 2022 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Conference, Maioli, Taiwan. 

  3. Pin-Ching Huang,Tran Ngoc Thanh Thuy, Shih-Kang Lin* (2022, Nov). Study on Lithium-Sodium Alloy: Microstructure and Interfacial Reaction with LLZO. 2022 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Conference, Maioli, Taiwan. 

  4. Yu-ning Chiu Chung-yi Yu and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Nov). Molecular dynamics investigation of transition mechanism for the metastable phases in Al-Zn-Mg alloys. 2022 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Conference, Maioli, Taiwan. 

  5. Ajayan Mano and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Oct). Preparation of Gallium Encapsulated Mesoporous Carbon CMK-3 and CMK-8 for Lithium-Ion battery. 4th International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials ICEAN 2022, Newcastle, Australia. 

  6. Hiroshi Nishikawa; Yuki Hirata; Chih–han Yang; Shih–kang Lin (2022, Sep). Effect of low Bi content on mechanical properties of Sn-Bi-Zn-In alloy and its joint with Cu. 2022 IEEE 9th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), Sibiu, Romania.

  7. Shao-yu Yen, Shih-kang Lin*, and Hideyuki Murakami (2022, Sep). Computational thermodynamics-assisted design of Al-Co-Cr-Mo-Ti refractory high entropy superalloy. 日本金屬學會2022年秋期第171回講演大會, Fukuoka, Japan 福岡, 日本. International Cooperative Graduate Program.

  8. Chih-han Yang, Yu-chen Liu, Yuki Hirata and Hiroshi Nishikawa and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, May). Mechanical properties of Sn-Bi-Ag low-temperature Pb-free solders. 2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging(ICEP 2022), Hokkaido, Japan. 

  9. Shih-kang Lin*, Yu-chen Liu, and Kuan-hsueh Lin (2022, May). The Blech effect revisited – an in-situ study. 2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging(ICEP 2022), Hokkaido, Japan.

  10. Tzu-hsuan Huang, Yu-chen Liu, Cheng-en Cheng, Chien-wei Huang, Chih-han Yang, Chih-feng Lin, Cheng-chi Wang, and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, May). High thermal stability Cu-to-Cu joints fabricated by using Ga-based paste. 2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging(ICEP 2022), Hokkaido, Japan. 

  11. Yu-chen Liu, Chih-han Yang, and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, May). Sn-based solder design using machine learning approach. 2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging(ICEP 2022), Hokkaido, Japan. 

  12. Shih-kang Lin, Yu-chen Liu, Yu ching Chen and Yu-ning Chiu (2022, Feb). Electric Current-assisted Treatment for 7075 Aluminum Alloy to Withstand High-speed Impact. TMS2022, California, USA. 

  13. Yu-chen Liu and Shih-kang Lin (2022, Feb). Electronic Material Properties Exploration Using Machine Learning: In Effective Charge, Hardness, and Dissipation Factor. TMS2022, California, USA.

  14. Yu-ning Chiu, Chung-yi Yu and Shih-kang Lin (2022, Feb). Ab Initio Interfacial Stability and Cu-segregation Effect upon and Precipitates in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys. TMS2022, California, USA.

  15. Yu-ning Chiu, Chung-yi Yu and Shih-kang Lin (2022, Feb). SPG-20: Effects of Cu on the Interfacial Stability of Nanoprecipitates in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys from First-principles Investigations. TMS2022, California, USA.

  16. Ahmad Kholik, Yu-Chen Liu*, Chih-han Yang, and Shih-Kang Lin (2022, Jan). Element doping effect on mechanical properties and microstructure of low-temperature Sn-Bi solder. The 2022 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).

  17. Che-an Lin and Shih-kang Lin (2022, Jan). Computation design of in situ formed protective layer in LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/Li0.33La0.56TiO3/Li4Ti5O12 all-solid-state battery. 46th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2022), Florida, USA.

  18. Chih-han Yang, Yu-chen Liu, Yuki Hirata and Hiroshi Nishikawa and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Jan). Nanoindentation of Bi phase in the Sn-Bi-Ag low-temperature lead-free solder. The 2022 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM). 

  19. Ciou-Ren Lee, Yu-Chen Liu, Shang-Jui Chiu and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Jan). Current-induced residual stress and grain growth in silver strips. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIERARCHICAL GREEN ENERGY MATERIALS (2022HIGEM).

  20. Hao-che Wang, Shao-yu Yen, and *Shih-kang Lin (2022, Jan). A multi-principal element alloy with /′ microstructure designed by CALPHAD-type High-throughput Calculation. 2021 Taiwan Phase Diagram Conference(10th TAPHAD) 2021第10屆台灣相圖會議.

  21. Shao-yu Yen, Yu-chen Liu, Shun-hsiang Chu, Che-wei Chang, Shih-kang Lin*, and Ming-Hung Tsai (2022, Jan). Computational thermodynamics-assisted design of precipitate-strengthened Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni high entropy alloy. The 2022 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).

  22. Ting-yuan Gao and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Jan). Calculational Thermodynamics Assisted Design of Ladle Slag System for Improving the Cleanliness of Al-Killed Steel. 2021 Taiwan Phase Diagram Conference (10th TAPHAD).

  23. Tzu-hsuan Huang, Yu-chen Liu , Cheng-en Cheng , Chien-wei Huang , Chih-han Yang , Chih-feng Lin , Cheng-chi Wang, and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Jan). Highly reliable Cu-to-Cu interconnections by using Ga-based paste. 2021 Taiwan Phase Diagram Conference (10th TAPHAD).

  24. Tzu-hsuan Huang, Yu-chen Liu, Cheng-en Cheng, Chien-wei Huang, Chih-han Yang, Chih-feng Lin, Cheng-chi Wang, and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Jan). High Reliability Cu/Cu TLP bonding by using Ga-based paste. The 2022 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).

  25. Yu-ning Chiu, Chung-yi Yu, and Shih-kang Lin (2022, Jan). First-principles insight into Cu-stabilized nanoprecipitates in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. The 2022 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).

  26. Yu-ning Chiu, and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Jan). Interfacial characterization of Cu-stabilized nanoprecipitates in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys: A first-principles study. 2021 Taiwan Phase Diagram Conference (10th TAPHAD).


  • A. Mano, and S.-K. Lin.* (2021, Nov). Gallium Infused Composite Anode Material of Mesoporous Carbon CMK-8 for Lithium-Ion Batteries. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC). 

  • C.-R. Lee, Y.-C. Liu, S.-K. Lin*, and S.-J. Chiu. (2021, Nov). Relaxation of electric current-induced residual stress in silver strips. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC). 

  • Che-an Lin, Shih-kang Lin* (2021, Nov). Computation study on LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/Li0.33La0.56TiO3 interface modification by doping in all-solid-state batteries. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC). 

  • Hao-Che Wang, Shao-Yu Yen, and Shih-kang Lin* (2021, Nov). CALPHAD-assisted design of the Al-Cu-Fe-Ni-Ti multi-principal element alloys. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC).

  • J. -P. Chen, and S.-K. Lin.* (2021, Nov). The Study of solid electrolyte interphase for Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC). 

  • T.-Y. Gao, and S.-K. Lin.* (2021, Nov). Calculational Thermodynamics Assisted Design of Ladle Slag System for Improving the Cleanliness of Al-Killed Steel. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC). 

  • Yu-ning Chiu, Chung-yi Yu, and Shih-kang Lin* (2021, Nov). Stabilization of nanoprecipitates via Cu-segregation in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys: A first-principles study. 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC).

  • W.-Y. Huang, and  and S. -K. Lin*, "CALPHAD-assisted design of nitrate-based phase change materials for waste heat recycling
    ," 2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC), Taipei, Taiwan (November 2021)

  • Y.-C. Chen, K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, T. Chen, T.-J. Chen, W.-S. Lee  and S. -K. Lin*, "Electric Current Effect on the High-strain-rate Deformation of AA7075-T6 Al-alloy," 150th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2021), Orlando, USA(Virtual). (March 2021)

  • S. -K. Lin*, Y.-C. Liu, C.-H. Yang, Y.-H. Hsieh, C.-W. Huang and C.-F. Lin, "IMC-free Low-temperature TLP Cu-to-Cu Interconnection with Excellent Thermal Stability," 150th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2021), Orlando, USA(Virtual). (March 2021)

  • C.-H. Yang, Y.Hirata, H. Nishikawa  and S. -K. Lin*, "High-throughput Calculations for Sn-Bi-Ag and Sn-Bi-Ag-In Low-temperature Lead-free Solders," 150th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2021), Orlando, USA(Virtual). (March 2021)

  • H. Nishikawa, S. Zhou, C.-H. Yang, Y.-A. Shen and S. -K. Lin*, "Effect of Low Bi Content on Mechanical Property of Sn-Bi-Zn Alloy before and after Thermal Aging," 150th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2021), Orlando, USA(Virtual). (March 2021)

  • Y.-C. Liu, C.-H. Yang, H. Carillo, C.-C. Lin and S. -K. Lin*, "Using machine learning to predict hardness of Sn-based alloys," 150th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2021), Orlando, USA(Virtual). (March 2021)

  • S. -K. Lin*, "Low-temperature Pb-free Solder Design," Online 2021 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Advanced Passive Component Technology, Taiwan (March 2021)

  • T. N. T. Thuy, C.-A. Lin, and S. -K. Lin*, "Ni-rich NMC cathode materials: phase equilibria and oxygen stability," 2021 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2021HIGEM), Tainan, Taiwan (January 2021)

  • Y.-C. Liu, and S. -K. Lin*, "Machine Learning Method In Exploring Effective Charge And Hardness In Interconnection Materials," 2021 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2021HIGEM), Tainan, Taiwan (January 2021)

  • T.-H. Huang, Y.-C. Liu, C.-H. Yang, Y.-H. Hsieh, C.-W. Huang, C.-F. Lin, and S. -K. Lin*, "An IMC-free bonding interface for Cu-to-Cu interconnections using Ga paste and Ni metallization layer," 2021 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2021HIGEM), Tainan, Taiwan (January 2021)

  • C.-A. Lin, L.-J. Wang and S. -K. Lin*, "Interfacial stability between the Li0.33La0.56TiO3 solid-state electrolyte and LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode and Li4Ti5O12 anode in all-solid-state batteries," 2021 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2021HIGEM), Tainan, Taiwan (January 2021)

  • K. Govindarajan and S. -K. Lin*, "Influence of carbon coating on gassing behaviour of Li4Ti5O12 -based Lithium-ion batteries," 2021 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2021HIGEM), Tainan, Taiwan (January 2021)

  • A.Mano (presenter) and S. -K. Lin*, "Gallium Infused Mesoporous Carbon as a Composite Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries," 2021 International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2021HIGEM), Tainan, Taiwan (January 2021)


  • F.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Yang, and S. -K. Lin*, "Phase equilibria of Al-Ni-Ga ternary system," 109年中國材料科學學會年會 (MRS-T 2020), New Taipei, Taiwan (November 2020)(學生論文獎優等獎)

  • W.-Y. Huang, and S. -K. Lin*, "CALPHAD-assisted process of multicomponent nitrates system for thermal energy storage," 109年中國材料科學學會年會 (MRS-T 2020), New Taipei, Taiwan (November 2020)

  • Y.-J. Lee and S. -K. Lin*, "Ab initio surface stability of Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel," 109年中國材料科學學會年會 (MRS-T 2020), New Taipei, Taiwan (November 2020)

  • Y. Hirata*, C.-H. Yang, S. -K. Lin and H.Nishikawa, "Effects of minor element addition on mechanical properties of Sn-Bi alloy.," IMPACT-EMAP 2020,Taipei, Taiwan (October 2020)

  • C.-H. Yang, Y.-C. Liu, Y. Hirata, H. Nishikawa and S. -K. Lin*, "High-throughput calculations for Sn-Bi-based low-temperature lead-free solders," IMPACT-EMAP 2020,Taipei, Taiwan (October 2020)

  • Y.-C. Liu, C.-H. Yang, H. Carillo, C.-C. Lin and S. -K. Lin*, "Predicting Sn-Based Solder Hardness Using Machine Learning," IMPACT-EMAP 2020,Taipei, Taiwan (October 2020)

  • Y.-J., Lee  and S. -K. Lin*, "Ab initio Surface Stability of Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel," 2020 Taiwan PHAse Diagram Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (August 2020)

  • C.-H. Yang, Y.-C. Liu, Y. Hirata, H. Nishikawa and S. -K. Lin*, "A Computational Thermodynamics-Assisted Design of Sn-Bi-Ag Alloy as Low-Temperature Lead-free Solders," 2020 Taiwan PHAse Diagram Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (August 2020)(「海報論文組」優等)

  • S.-Y. Yen, H.-C. Wang and S. -K. Lin*, "Composition design of coherent precipitate-strengthening AlCuFeNiTi multi-principal element alloys by high-throughput CALPHAD-type calculation," 2020 Taiwan PHAse Diagram Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (August 2020)(「海報論文組」優等)

  • C.-A. Lin, L.-J. Wang and S. -K. Lin*, "An ab initio study on interface reactions between Li0.33La0.56TiO3 solid-state electrolyte and electrodes in all-solid-state batteries," 2020 Taiwan PHAse Diagram Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (August 2020)

  • Y.-N. Chiu, and S. -K. Lin*, "Ab initio study of Cu doping effect on the thermal stability of strengthening precipitates in 7075 aluminum alloy," 2020 Taiwan PHAse Diagram Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (August 2020)

  • K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, C.-S. Ku, S.-J. Chiu and S. -K. Lin*, "Revisit the Blech critical product: lattice strain induces electromigration effect," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)

  • C.-A. Lin, R.-N. Nasara, and S. -K. Lin*, "An ab initio study on development of Co-free layered oxides as cathode materials in Li ion batteries," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)

  • S.-Y. Yen, H.-C. Wang and S. -K. Lin*, "High-throughput CALPHAD-type calculation in design of coherent precipitate-strengthening AlCuFeNiTi multi-principal element alloy," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)

  • S.-Y. Yen, H.-C. Wang and S. -K. Lin*, "Composition design of coherent precipitate-strengthening AlCuFeNiTi multi-principal element alloys by high-throughput CALPHAD-type calculation," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)(TMS2020 poster session innovative methodology)

  • S.-Y. Yen, S.-C. Wu, M. A. Makhraja, K.-C. Lo, A.-C. Yeh, K. Yoshimi, C. Zhang and S. -K. Lin*, "Experimental investigations and thermodynamic modelling of the Mo-Nb-Re ternary system," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)

  • K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, C.-S. Ku, S.-J. Chiu, and S. -K. Lin*, "From electric current-induced lattice strain to electromigration occurrence: an in situ study," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)(Poster competition/First place)

  • K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, C.-S. Ku, S.-J. Chiu, and S. -K. Lin*, "Investigation into the occurrence of electromigration for aluminum: microstructure and in-situ XRD study," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020), USA. (February 2020)

  • H.-Y Wang, Y.-C. Liu, K.-J. Lin, and S. -K. Lin*, "CALPHAD-assisted analyses of BOF slag modification and reduction," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)

  • H.-Y. Wang, Y.-C. Liu, K.-J. Lin, and S. -K. Lin*, "CALPHAD-assisted analyses of BOF slag recovery," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)

  • K.-H. Chen, T. N. T. Thuy, and S. -K. Lin*, "An ab initio study on the stable structure of sodium vanadium fluorophosphates as cathode materials in hybrid-ion batteries," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)(TMS 2020 Student Travel Grant)

  • K.-H. Chen, T. N. T. Thuy, and S. -K. Lin*, "Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Na3V2(PO4)2F3 as Cathode Material," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)(TMS 2020 Student Travel Grant)

  • Y.-C. Liu, Y.-S. Yu, S. -K. Lin*, and S.-J. Chiu, "Electromigration effect upon single-phase and two-phase Ag-Cu alloy: an in situ study," 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2020), San Diego, USA. (February 2020)(TMS 2020 Student Travel Grant)


  • G.-L. Ou (presenter), Y.-H. Su, *S.-K. Lin, M.-R. Lu,  "高合金鋼連鑄鑄粉開發," International Seminar of Investment Casting (ISIC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2014)

  • S.-C. Wu, Y.-H. Su, S.-G. Lin (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "Fe-Al-Mn-Si-C五元系統之熱力學模型建構及應用", International Seminar of Investment Casting (ISIC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai, W.-D. Hsu*S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), "Ab initio-aided defect spinel electrode design for durable lithium ion batteries," International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM), Haihou, China. (October 2014)

  • S.-C. Wu, Y.-H. Su, S.-G. Lin (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "高合金鋼連續鑄造之高溫熱機械性質量測與CALPHAD熱力學解析," CIMME, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2014)

  • H.-M. Chang, M.-J. Wang (presenter), C.-L. Cho, and *S.-K. Lin, "A novel Ga-based Cu-to-Cu Bonding Technology in 3D IC Interconnections,"  International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, Circuits Technology (IMPACT), Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2014)

  • S.-C. Wu, Y.-H. Su, S.-G. Lin (poster) and *S.-K. Lin, "高合金鋼連續鑄造之高溫熱機械性質量測
    與CLAPHAD熱力學解析," The 3th Cross-strait Green Materials & Green Processing Forum, Tainan, Taiwan. (September 2014)

  • *S.-K. Lin (Keynote talk),"Electric current effects upon electronic solder joints," International Union of Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014), Fukuoka, Japen. (August 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Optimized Li4Me5O12 defect spinel electrode materials for lithium ion batteries using ab initio calculations," International Union of Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014), Fukuoka, Japen. (August 2014) (2014 IUMRS-ICA 議程獎)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Ab Initio study on nature's missing Li4Me5O12 defect spinel oxides (Superconductivity & Strongly Correlated Electrons)," International Union of Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014), Fukuoka, Japen. (August 2014) (Award for Encouragement of Research from the Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J))

  • C.-W. Liao (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Mechanical properties of polybutadiene rubber by molecular dynamics simulations," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • F.-W. Lin (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Recovery and brokendownmechanism of lipid bilayer during nanoindentation: molecular dynamics simulation," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • F.-Y. Chiu (poster) and *W.-D. Hsu, "Electromigration of metals using self-learning Kinetic monte-carlo method," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • H.-M. Chang (presenter), C.-L. Cho, and *S.-K. Lin, "A novel Ga-based Cu-to-Cu TSV interconnection with Pt UBM," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • Y.-K. Kuo (presenter), T.-L. Nguyen, and *S.-K. Lin, "Interfacial reactions between Sn-0.7Cu-xGa solders and Cu substrates and phase equilibria of the Cu-Ga-Sn ternary system at  200 oC," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • W.-D. Hsu, C.-W. Liu, T.-C. Wu, Z.Adabavazeh (presenter), T.-T. Fang, and *S.-K. Lin, "Nonstoichiometry of pristine, La-doped, and La/Cr-co-doped BiFeO3: Solid-state syntheses, characterization, and first-principle calculations," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • Y.-H. Wang (presenter), H.-C. Kuo, and *S.-K. Lin, "Interfacial reactions in the Cu/In/Ni thermal management module," International Conference on Electronic Materials 2014 (IUMRS-ICEM 2014), Tapiei, Taiwan. (June 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai, W.-D. Hsu, and *S.-K. Lin (presenter), "Ab initio-aided defect spinel electrode design for lithium ion batteries with high cyclability," CALPHAD XLIII 2014 2014, Changsha, Hunan, P. R. China. (June 2014)

  • S.-C. Wu(presenter), C.-L. Cheng, Z. Chuan, and *S.-K. Lin, "Ab initio-aided CALPHAD modeling for the Mo-Nb-Re ternary system," CALPHAD XLIII 2014, Changsha, Hunan, P. R. China. (June 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Ab initio screening of 3d transition metal-doped Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel anodes for Li ion batteries," 2014 Chinese Ceramic Society Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (May 2014).

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), C.-K. Yeh, W. Xie, Y.-C. Liu, and M. Yoshimura, "Why Does an Electric Current Change the Stability of Solder?", 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Exploring Nature's Missing Li4Me5O12 Defect Spinel Oxides by Ab Initio Calculations," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • T.-L. Nguyen (poster), *S.-K. Lin ," Effective Suppression of Sn-58Bi/Cu Interfacial Reactions with Minor Ga Addition," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • M.-Y. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "Periodic Layer Formation in the Au-12Ge/Ni Diffusion Couple," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • H.-M. Chang (presenter), C.-L. Cho, Y.-K. Kuo, and *S.-K. Lin, "Ga-based Cu-to-Cu Interconnection with Pt UBM," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • Y.-H. Wang (presenter), H.-C. Kuo, and *S.-K. Lin, "Characterization of Interfacial Reactions in Cu/In/Ni Joints at 280 oC," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • H.-M. Chang (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "Ga-based Cu-to-Cu Interconnection with Pt UBM," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Exploring Nature's Missing Li4Me5O12 Defect Spinel Oxides by Ab Initio Calculations," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • M.-Y. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "Periodic Layer Formation in the Au-12Ge/Ni Diffusion Couple," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • Y.-H. Wang (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "Characterization of Interfacial Reactions in Cu/In/Ni Joints at 280 oC," 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • *S.-K. Lin, C.-K. Yeh, Y.-C. Liu (poster), and M. Yoshimura, "Why Does an Electric Current Change the Stability of Solder?", 143rd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2014), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2014)

  • *S.-K. Lin, C.-K. Yeh, Y.-C. Liu (poster), and M. Yoshimura, "Why does an Electric Current Change the Stability of Solder?", 13th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, Kenting, Taiwan.(February 2014)

  • S.-C. Wu (poster), C.-L. Cheng, *S.-K. Lin, and Chuan Zhang, "第一原理輔相圖計算建構鈮錸二元系統熱力學模型," 13th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, Kenting, Taiwan.(February 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Li4Me5O12 defect spinel oxides as new electrode materials for lithium ion batteries by ab initio calculation," 13th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, Kenting, Taiwan. (February 2014)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Ab Initio study on nature's missing  Li4Me5O12 defect spinel oxides," PSROC Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan. (January 2014)

2013 and Before

  • *S.-K. Lin (Invited talk), C.-K. Yeh, Y.-C. Liu, and M. Yoshimura, "Why Does an Electric Current Change the Stability of Solder?", 5th PCGMR symposium on Nano-Technology/-Materials for Energy, Electronics and Others (PCGMR 2013), Tainan, Taiwan. (December 2013)

  • S.-C, Wu (poster), K.-L. Cheng, Z. Chuan, and *S.-K. Lin,  "Ab initio-aided CALPHAD of NbRe System," 5th PCGMR symposium on Nano-Technology/-Materials for Energy, Electronics and Others (PCGMR 2013), Tainan, Taiwan. (December 2013)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Ab initio screening of electronic structures and electrochemical properties of transition metal-doped Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel as anode materials in lithium ion batteries," 5th PCGMR symposium on Nano-Technology/-Materials for Energy, Electronics and Others (PCGMR 2013), Tainan, Taiwan. (December 2013)

  • P.-C. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Designing the doped Li4Ti5O12 anode materials with long cycle life and high-rate by ab initio calculations," 2013 Materials Research Society-Fall Annual Meeting (MRS-Fall 2013), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (December 2013)

  • P.-C. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "An ab initio study on transition metal doped Li4M0.125Ti4.875O12 defect spinel (M=Zr, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn) as anode materials in lithium ion batteries," 4th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society (ACTSEA 2013), Taipei, Taiwan. (November 2013) (2013 ACTSEA 優秀論文獎第二名)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Structural and electrical properties of 3d transition metal-doped  Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel by ab initio calculations," 2013 Chinese Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Annual meeting (CIMME 2013), Miaoli, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • Y.-K. Kuo (presenter), C.-L. Cho, Y.-C. Liu, and *S.-K. Lin, "Reactive Wetting of Molten Ga solder on Poly-crystalline, Single-crystalline and Pt-coated Cu Substrates," 8th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2013) (TPCA PCB Outstanding Thesis Award)

  • C.-K. Yeh, Y.-C. Liu (presenter), M.-J. Wang, and *S.-K. Lin, "On the non-polarity effects Of the Bi/Ni interfaces under current stressing,"  8th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • Y.-H. Wang (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "Interfacial reactions in the Cu/In/Ni sandwich couples at 280 °C," 8th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • T.-L. Nguyen, *S.-K. Lin (presenter), "Effective retardation of Sn-58Bi/Cu interfacial reactions with minor Ga addition," 8th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2013) (2013 TPCA Outstanding paper award)

  • M.-Y. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "Formation of alternating interfacial layers in the Au-12Ge/Ni joints," 8th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • H.-M. Chang (presenter), C.-L. Cho, Y.-K. Kuo, and *S.-K. Lin, "A novel Ga-based TSV interconnection with Pt UBM," 8th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • P.-C. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "The ab initio study on structural and electrical properties of the doped Li4Ti5O12 anode for Li ion batteries," (in Chinese), 2013 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2013), Taoyuan, Taiwan. (October 2013

  • M.-Y. Tsai  (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "Alternating reaction layer formation in the Au-12Ge/Ni joints," (in Chinese), 2013 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2013), Taoyuan, Taiwan. (October 2013

  • Y.-C. Chang (poster), B.-H. Hsu, and *S.-K. Lin, "Interfacial reaction between Au-Ge solders and Cu substrates," (in Chinese), 2013 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2013), Taoyuan, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • T.-C. Wu (poster), Z.-W. Liu, *W.-D. Hsu, " 鑭、鉻摻雜對 BiFeO3 介電性質的影響", 2013 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2013), Taoyuan, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • H.-H. Hou (poster), *W.-D. Hsu, "Ethylene Carbonate(EC)及Dimethyl Carbonate(DMC)與鋰離子錯合結構及其對電偶極之影響", 2013 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2013), Taoyuan, Taiwan. (October 2013) (2013 MRS-T論文優等獎)

  • W.-C. Chao (poster) and  W.-D. Hsu, "Effect of Crystallographic Direction on the Sintering of ThO2 Nanoparticles", 2013 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2013), Taoyuan, Taiwan. (October 2013)

  • P.-C. Tsai (poster), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Doping effects upon the Li4Ti5O12 spinel as anode materials in Li ion batteries," 2013 Chinese Chemistry Society (Kaohsuing branching) Annual meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (May 2013)

  • P.-C. Tsai (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, and W.-D. Hsu, "Atomistic structures of the lithium titanate spinel oxides: An ab initio study," 2013 Chinese Ceramic Society Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (May 2013)

  • B.-H. Hsu, *S.-K. Lin (presenter), "Interfacial reactions between Au-Ge eutectic solders and Cu substrates," 142nd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2013), San antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2013)

  • C.-K. Yeh (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "Supersaturation and phase stability of Pb-Sn alloys under current stressing," 142nd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2013), San antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2013)

  • C.-L. Cho (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "nterfacial reactions in the Cu/Ga/Cu sandwich joints,"142nd TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2013), San antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2013)

  • B.-H. Hsu (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "Interfacial reactions between molten Au-Ge eutectic alloy and Cu substrate at 400oC," Visual-JW 2012, Osaka, Japan. (November 2012)

  • C.-L. Cho and *S.-K. Lin (presenter), "Novel Ga-based Cu-to-Cu interconnection in 3D IC technology,"  Visual-JW 2012, Osaka, Japan. (November 2012)

  • C.-K. Yeh (poster),  *S.-K. Lin, "Ab initio-aided CALPHAD thermodynamic modeling the Pb-Sn binary system under current stressing," (in Chinese), 2012 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting  (MRS-T 2012), Yunlin, Taiwan. (November 2012) (2012 MRS-T海報論文發表 佳作)

  • T.-L. Nguyen (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "100oC isothermal section of the Bi-Ga-Sn ternary system", 4th PCGMR symposium on Nano-Technology/Materials for Bio-Medical Application (PCGMR2012), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2012)

  • B.-H. Hsu (poster), *S.-K. Lin, "Soldering reactions between Au-Ge high temperature Pb-free solders and Cu substrates," 7th IMPACT Conference (iMPACT 2012),Taipei,Taiwan. (October 2012)

  • C.-L. Cho (presenter), *S.-K. Lin, "Novel Ga-based Cu-to-Cu interconnection in 3D IC technology,"The 7th IMPACT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2012) (2012 TPCA Outstanding paper award)

  • B. Puchala (presenter), S.-K. Lin, L. Wang, and *D. Morgan, "PEMFC Nanoparticle Dealloying from Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations," Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science (PRiME 2012), Honolulu, HI, USA. (October 2012)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter), B. Puchala, Y.-L. Lee, and *D. Morgan, "Ab initio energetics of charge compensating point defects," International Union of Materials Research Society - International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM 2012), Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan. (September 2012)

  • *D. Morgan (presenter), Y.-L. Lee, B. Puchala, L. Wang, and S.-K. Lin, "Atomistic-Based Approaches for Modeling Activity and Degradation in Fuel Cell Catalysts," American Chemical Society Fall Meeting (ACS 244th meeting), Philadelphia, PA, USA. (August 2012)

  • B. Puchala (presenter), S.-K. Lin, L. Wang, and *D. Morgan, "Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Pt1-xCox Nanoparticle Catalyst Dealloying," 11st Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Washington, DC, USA. (May 2012)

  • *S.-K. Lin (presenter), S.-W. Chen, "Phase equilibria and solidification of ternary Sn-In-Cu alloys,"141st TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2012), Orlando, Florida, USA. (March 2012)

  • S.-K. Lin (poster) and *D. Morgan, "Full compound energy formalism CALPHAD modeling coupled with first principle calculation for ionic materials," CALPHAD XL, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (May 2011)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *D. Morgan, "Ab initio aided CALPHAD thermodynamic modeling of Ionic Systems:  Application to La1-yMnO3±δ," 140th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2011), San Diego, California, USA. (February 2011)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter), *D. Morgan and Y.-L. Lee, "Ab initio energetics of charge compensating point defects: a case study on MgO," Materials Science & Technology 2010 (MS&T 2010), Houston, Texas, USA. (October 2010)

  • W. Gierlotka (presenter), *S.-W. Chen and S.-K. Lin, "Theromodynamic Modeling of Cu-In-Sn Ternary System," 138th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2009), San Francisco, California, USA. (February 2009)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Liquation Phenomena in the Sn-In/Ni Interfacial Reactions," 136th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2007), Orlando, Florida, USA. (February 2007)

  • S.-K. Lin (poster), Y. Yorikado, J.-X. Jiang, K.-S. Kim, *K. Suganuma and *Sinn-wen Chen, "Mechanical Deformation-induced Sn Whisker Formation and Microstructure Development in Electroplated Films," 136th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2007), Orlando, Florida, USA. (February 2007)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), S.-H. D. Wong, C.-M. Hsu, C.-H. Wang, S.-K. Lin and Y.-C. Huang, "Effects of Electromigration on Interfacial Reactions," 136th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2007), Orlando, Florida, USA. (February 2007)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), C.-N. Chiu, S.-K. Lin, C.-H. Wang and C.-F Yang, "Interfacial Reactions and Phase Diagrams of Pb-Free Solders and Related Materials Systems,"136th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2007), Orlando, Florida, USA. (February 2007)

  • S.-K. Lin (poster) and *S.-W. Chen, "A Mechanism Study on Sn Whisker Growth on Electroplated Finishes in Advanced Flexible Electronic Packaging," (in Chinese), 53rdTaiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2006), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (November 2006)

  • S.-K. Lin (poster), Y. Yorikado, K.-S. Kim, *K. Suganuma, *S.-W. Chen, M. Tsujimoto and I. Yanada, "Sn Whiskers Growth on Electroplated Lead-free Solder Finish for Advanced Flexible Electronic Packaging", 2006 Sanken International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SISNN-2006), Osaka, Japan. (September 2006)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Liquidus Projection and Solidification of the Sn-In-Cu Ternary Alloys," 2006 International Microelectronic and Packaging Society-Taiwan (IMAPS-Taiwan 2006), Taipei, Taiwan. (June 2006)

  • Y.-C. Huang, *S.-W. Chen, S.-K. Lin (poster), C.-H. Chang and J.-C. Wu, "Heat Treatment of the Thermal Spray Objects," 135th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2006), San Antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2006)

  • S.-K. Lin (poster) and *S.-W. Chen, "Electromigration-induced High Reactive Diffusion Path in Sn-In/Cu Joints," 135th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2006), San Antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2006)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Current Direction Effects upon Interfacial Reactions in the Sn-In/Cu Joints," 135th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2006), San Antonio, Texas, USA. (March 2006)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), S.-K. Lin, C.-N. Chiu and Y.-C. Huang, "Electromigration Effects upon Interfacial Reactions in the Pb-free Solder Joints," 2006 International Conference on Chemical and Molecular Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan. (December 2006)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), C.-N. Chiu, C.-H. Wang, S.-K. Lin and C.-C. Chen, "Interfacial Reactions and Phase Diagrams in the Pb-free Solder Joints," (in Chinese), 2006 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting (MRS-T 2006), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2006)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Electric Current Direction Effects upon the In-Sn/Cu Interfacial Reactions," (in Chinese), 2005 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting (MRS-T 2005), Taipei, Taiwan. (November 2005).

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Temperature Effect upon the In-Sn/Ni Solid Interfacial Reactions," (in Chinese), 52nd Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2005), Miaoli, Taiwan. (November 2005)

  • S.-K. Lin, T.-Y. Chung, C.-F. Yang (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Interfacial Reactions in the Sn-20at.%In/Cu Couples and Phase Equilibria of In-Sn-Cu Ternary System," 2005 International Microelectronic and Packaging Society-Taiwan (IMAPS-Taiwan 2005), Taipei, Taiwan. (June 2005)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), C.-H. Wang, S.-K. Lin and C.-C. Chen, "Electric Current Effects upon Interfacial Reactions in the Electronic Products," (in Chinese), 52nd TaiwanInstitute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2005), Miaoli, Taiwan. (November 2005)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), S.-K. Lin and C.-F. Yang, "Interfacial Reactions in the Pb-free Composite Solders with Indium Layers," 134th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2005), San Francisco, California, USA. (March 2005)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), C.-H. Wang, C.-C. Chen and S.-K. Lin, "Electric Current Effects upon Interfacial Reactions in the Solder Joints," SEMICON Korea 2005, Seoul, Korea, (February 2005)

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter), M. Marin and *S.-W. Chen, "Interfacial Reactions in the In-Sn/Cu and In-Sn/Ni Couples," (in Chinese), 51st Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (TwIChE 2004), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2004)

  • *S.-W. Chen (presenter), S.-K. Lin and C.-F. Yang, "Lead-free Composite Solder with an Indium layer," 2004 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting (MRS-T 2004), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (November 2004) 

  • S.-K. Lin (presenter) and *S.-W. Chen, "Electromigration Effect upon the Sn/Cu/Ni/Sn/Cu/Sn Interfacial Reactions," (in Chinese), 2003 Materials Research Society-Taiwan Annual Meeting (MRS-T 2003), Tainan, Taiwan. (November 2003)

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