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Refereed Journal Papers


  1. Che-an Lin, Martin Ihrig, Kuan-chen Kung, Hsiang-ching Chen, Walter Sebastian Scheld, Ruijie Ye, Martin Finsterbusch, Olivier Guillon, Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Dec). Low-temperature sintering of Li0.33La0.55TiO3 electrolyte for all-solid-state Li batteries. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(16), 7543-7552.

  2. Shao-yu Yen, Hideyuki Murakami, and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Aug). Low-density CoAlTi-B2 strengthened Al-Co-Cr-Mo-Ti bcc refractory high-entropy superalloy designed with the assistance of high-throughput CALPHAD method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 952,170027. nstc 111-2622-8-006-029.

  3. Lung-hsin Tu, Ngoc thanh thuy Tran, Shih-kang Lin, and Chih-huang Lai* (2023, Jun). Efficiency Boost of (Ag0.5,Cu0.5)(In1-x,Gax)Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells by Using a Sequential Process: Effects of Ag-Front Grading and Surface Phase Engineering. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 2301227. nstc 111-2221-E-007-082-MY3.

  4. Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran*, Che-an Lin, and Shih-kang Lin* (2023, Apr). Insights into the structural and thermodynamic instability of Ni-rich NMC cathode. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11(18),6978-6987. nstc 111-2622-8-006-029.

  5. I-wei Tseng, Meng-hung Tsai, Tsung-hsien Hsu, Che-an Lin, Shih-kang Lin, Cheng-liang Huang* (2023, Jan). Tunable luminescence properties of GeO2-Doped Li2ZnTi3O8: Mn4+ Red Phosphor. Optics and Laser Technology, 157, 108777. nstc 110-2221-E-006-032-MY2.

  6. Martin Ihrig*, Liang-Yin Kuo, Sandra Lobe, Alexander M. Laptev, Che-an Lin, Chia-hao Tu, Ruijie Ye, Payam Kaghazchi, Luca Cressa, Santhana Eswara, Shih-kang Lin, Olivier Guillon, Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing*, and Martin Finsterbusch* (2023, Jan). Thermal Recovery of the Electrochemically Degraded Al- and Ta-substituted LiCoO2/Li7La3Zr2O12 Interface in All-Solid-State Lithium Battery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(3), 4101–4112.


  1. Aleksey A. Nikiforov, Dmitry Kuznetsov, Ralph Nicolai Nasara, Kaviarasan Govindarajan, Shih-kang Lin, Dmitry V. Pelegov* (2022, Nov). Fast and slow laser-stimulated degradation of Mn-doped Li4Ti5O12. Batteries, 2022, 8(12), 251.

  2. Shao-yu Yen, Yu-chen Liu, Shun-hsiang Chu, Che-wei Chang, Shih-kang Lin*, and Ming-Hung Tsai (2022, Oct). B2-strengthened Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni high entropy alloy with high ductility. Materials Letters, 325, 132828. nstc 111-2636-E-006-018. 

  3. Song-mao Liang*, Bin ouyang, Shih-kang Lin, and Hans J. Seifert (2022, Oct). Phase Stability and Transformation of Energy Storage Materials. JOM, 74(12), 2022.

  4. Che-an Lin, and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Sep). Issues, developments, and computation analyses of interfacial stability in all-solid-state Li batteries. JOM, 74(12),4654-4663. 

  5. Tzu-chun Huang, Kuan-wen Cheng, Che-an Lin, Yu-chieh Fu, Shih-kang Lin and Yu-ze Chen (2022, Aug). Two-dimensional metallic VTe2 demonstrating fast ion diffusion for aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 6, 4626-4635.

  6. Chih-han Yang, Yu-chen Liu, Shih-kang Lin*, Yuki Hirata, and Hiroshi Nishikawa (2022, Jun). High-strength Sn-Bi-based low-temperature solders with high toughness designed via high-throughput thermodynamic modeling. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-7. MOST 110-2636-E-006-016. 

  7. Wan-yu Huang, Yu-chen Liu, Shih-kang Lin*, and Wei-Hsin Chen (2022, Jun). Computational thermodynamics-assisted design of nitrate-based phase change materials for waste heat recovery. International Journal of Energy Research, 46,14452-14461. MOST 111-2636-E-006-018. 

  8. Chih-long Tsai*, Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran, Roland schierholz, Zigeng Liu, Anna windmüller, Chean Lin, Qi Xu, Xin Lu, Shicheng Yu, Hermann Tempel, Hans Kungl, Shih-kang Lin,and Rüdiger-A. Eichel. (2022, Apr). Instability of Ga-substituted Li7La3Zr2O12 toward Metallic Li. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022,10, 10998-11009. MOST 110-2636-E-006-016.

  9. Hiroshi Nishikawa*, Yuki Hirata, Chih-han Yang and Shih-kang Lin (2022, Feb). Effect of Low Bi Content on Reliability of Sn-Bi Alloy Joints Before and After Thermal Aging. JOM, 74, 1751-1759.

  10. Kaviarasan Govindarajan, Ralph Nicolai Nasara and Shih-kang Lin* (2022, Feb). Clarification on the Gassing Behavior Of Carbon-Coated Li4Ti5O12 at Elevated Temperature: Importance of Coating Coverage. Batteries & Supercaps, e202200010. MOST 110-2636-E-006-016. 

  11. Martin Ihrig, Martin Finsterbusch, Alexander M. Laptev, Chia-hao Tu, Yoo Jung Sohn, Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran, Che-an Lin, Liang-Yin Kuo, Ruijie Ye, Payam Kaghazchi, Shih-kang Lin, Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing, and Olivier Guillon (2022, Feb). Study of LiCoO2/Li7La3Zr2O12:Ta Interface Degradation in All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(9), 11288-11299.


Y.-C. Liu, T.-Y. Liu, T.-H. Huang, K.-C. Chiu, S.-K. Lin* (2021, Oct). Exploring dielectric constant and dissipation factor of LTCC using machine learning. Materials, 2021, 14(19), 5784. MOST 110-2636-E-006-016.

C.-A. Lin, R. N. Nasara and S.-K. Lin*,

Ab initio exploration of Co-free layered oxides as cathode materials in Li-ion batteries

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 9(34), 11342–11350. (2021/08)<Link> The Front Cover Picture  <Link> Full Paper

R. N. Nasara, W. Ma, S.Tsujimoto, Y.Inoue,Y. Yokoyama, Y. Kondo, K. Miyazaki, Y. Miyahara, T. Fukutsuka, S.-K. Lin*, T. Abe*

Electrochemical properties of surface-modified hard carbon electrodes for lithium-ion batteries

Electrochimica Acta. 379, 138175. (2021/05)<Link> 

Y. Hirata*, C.-H. Yang, S.-K. Lin* and H. Nishikawa,

Improvements in mechanical properties of Sn–Bi alloys with addition of Zn and In 

Materials Science and Engineering: A.813,141131. (2021/05)<Link> 

Y.-C. Liu, S.-Y. Yen, S.-H. Chu, S.-K. Lin*, and M.-H. Tsai,

Mechanical and thermodynamic data-driven design of Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni multi-principal element alloys

Materials Today Communications.26,102096. (2021/03)<Link> 

楊智涵、林士剛*,“計算相圖(CALPHAD)輔助中低溫銲料系統開發“, 電路板季刊 .91, 34-39. (2021/03)

M. Ihrig, M. Finsterbusch*, C.-L. Tsai, A.-M. Laptev, C.-H.Tu, M. Bram, Y.-J. Sohn, R. Ye, S. Sevinc, S.-K. Lin*, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, O. Guillion,

Low Temperature Sintering of Fully Inorganic All-Solid-State Batteries–Impact of Interfaces on Full Cell Performance

Journal of Power Sources.482, 228905. (2021/01)<Link> 


劉禹辰、楊智涵、顏紹宇、林士剛*, "材料與化學工程整合計算專刊-計算相圖(CALPHAD)在材料製程上的應用," 材料與化學工程整合計算專刊, 67(6), 155-166(2020/12)

陳信文、林士剛*, "材料與化學工程整合計算專輯前言," 材料與化學工程整合計算專刊, 67(6), 105 (2020/12)

G.-L. Ou, Y.-C. Liu, S.-Y. Yen, H.-Y. Wang, Y.-H. Su, M.-J. Lu, and S.-K. Lin*,
"Reactivity and thermo-physical properties of MnO-modified CaOAl2O3- based mold fluxes for advanced high-strength steels"
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 6(9), 12091-12101.(2020/08) 
<Link> (MOST 109-2636-E-006-012) 

T.-L. Yang, Y.-C. Liu, C.-H. Yang, Y.-K. Kuo, and S.-K. Lin*,

"Formation of diffusion barrier-like intermetallic compound to suppress the formation of micro-voids at the Sn-0.7Cu/Cu interface by optimal Ga additions"JOM,72. 3538–3546.(2020/08)<Link>  (MOST 109-2636-E-006-012) 

R. N. Nasara, W. Ma, Y. Kondo, K. Miyazaki, Y. Miyahara, T. Fukutsuka, C.-A. Lin, S.-K. Lin*, and T. Abe*
"Charge-transfer kinetics of the solid-electrolyte interphase on Li4Ti5O12 thin-film electrodes"

ChemSusChem.13. 1-11.(2020/07)<Link> The Front Cover Picture  <Link> Full Paper

(MOST 105-2221-E-006-189-MY3,107-2923-E-006-005-MY2,109-2636-E-006-012,109-3116-F-006-021-CC1 and 107-3017-F-006-003) 


S.-Y. Yen, S.-C. Wu, M. A. Makhraja, K.-C. Lo, A.-C. Yeh, K. Yoshimi, C. Zhang, and S.-K. Lin*

"Phase equilibria and thermodynamic assessment of the Mo-Nb-Re ternary system"
CALPHAD. 70, 101797.(2020/09)<Link> 

(MOST 109-2636-E-006-012 and 106-2628-E-006-002-MY3) 

T.-H. Chou, J. -C. Huang, C.-H. Yang, S. -K. Lin, *T.-G. Nieh

"Consideration of kinetics on intermetallics formation in solid-solution high entropy alloys"

Acta Materialia. 195, 71-80.(2020/08)<Link> 

Y.-C. Liu, *S.-K. Lin, H. Zhang, S. Nagao, C.-T. Chen, K. Suganuma

"Reactive wafer bonding with nanoscale Ag/Cu multilayers"

Scripta Materialia, 184, 1-5. (2020/07)<Link> (MOST 109–2636-E-006–012 and 106–2628-E-006–002-MY3) 

T.-Y. Pan, N.-T.-T. Tran, Y.-C. Chang, *W.-D. Hsu

"First-principles study on the initial reactions at LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode/electrolyte interface in lithium-ion batteries"

Applied Surface Science, 507, 144842. (2020/03)<Link> (MOST 108-3017-F-006-003) 

Y.-C. Liu, *S.-K. Lin, S.-J. Chiu 

"On the Schmid's Law for the electric current-induced deformation: An in situ EBSD study"

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 168, 105295. (2020/02)<Link> (MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3 and 106-2628-E-006-002-MY3) 


Y.-C. Liu, Y.-S. Yu, *S.-K. Lin, S.-J. Chiu

"Electromigration effect upon single- and two-phase  Ag-Cu alloy strips: An in situ study

Scripta Materialia, 173, 134-138. (2019/12) <Link(MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3 and 106-2628-E-006-002-MY3)

林士剛​*, "關鍵自主的綠色能源材料," 科學發展月刊, 564, 4-5. (2019/12)<Link>

*Y.-A. Shen, S. Zhou, J. Li, C.-H. Yang, S. Huang, S.-K. Lin, H. Nishikawaa

"Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Sn-58Bi composite solder joint assembled using a low-temperature reflow process for PoP technology

Materials & Design,  183, 108144. (2019/12) <Link(MOST106-2628-E-006- 002-MY3) 


*D.-V. Pelegov, R.-N. Nasara, C.-H. Tu, *S.-K. Lin 

"Defects in Li4Ti5O12 induced by carbon deposition: An analysis of unidentified bands in Raman spectra"

Physical  Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 20757-20763. (2019/09)<Link>

(International collaboration work with Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

 (MOST105-2221-E-006-189-MY3 and 107-2923-E-006-005-MY2 and 107-3017-F-006-003) 

P.-C. Tsai, R.-N. Nasara, Y.-C. Shen, C.-C. Liang, Y.-W. Chang, W.-D. Hsu, N.-T.-T. Tran, *S.-K. Lin

"Ab initio phase stability and electronic conductivity of the doped-Li4Ti5O12 anode for Li-ion batteries"

Acta Materialia,175, 196-205. (2019/08) <Link(MOST 105-2221-E-006-189-MY3 and 107-2923-E-006-005-MY2 and 107-3017-F-006-003) 

C. Zhang, Michael C. Gao,  S.-K. Lin*, "Progress in High-Entropy Alloys," JOM, 71, 3417-3418. (2019/08)  <Link>(106-2628-E-006- 002-MY3)  

S.-K. Lin, "Advanced Electronic Interconnection," JOM, 71, 2996-2997. (2019/08)  <Link>

Y.-C. Liu, S.-K. Lin

"A Critical Review on the Electromigration Effect, the Electroplastic Effect, and Perspectives on Effect of Electric Current upon Alloy Phase Stability

JOM, 71, 3094-3106. (2019/07) <Link(MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3 and 106-2628-E-006-002-MY3) 

T.-H. Tseng, C.-H. Yang, J.-Y. Chiang, J.-J. Huang, C.-H. Chen, S.-K. Lin, C.-M. Wang, *A.-T. Wu

"Interfacial reactions of 68In-32Bi, 50In-50Bi and 33In-67Bi low melting alloys on Cu substrates"

Materials Science & Engineering A, 759, 506-513. (2019/06) <Link(MOST-104-2221-E-008-014-MY3


Y.-C. Liu, B. Afflerbach, R.Jacobs, S.-K. Lin, *D. Morgan

"Exploring effective charge in electromigration using machine learning

MRS Communications, 9, 567-575. (2019/06) <Link>(MOST-106-2628-E-006-002-MY3  and GSSAP-107-2917-I-006-008)

S. Zhou, C.-H. Yang, Y.-A. Shen, S.-K. Lin, H. Nishikawaa

"The newly developed Sn–Bi–Zn alloy with a low melting point, improved ductility, and high ultimate tensile strength"

Materialia, 6, 100300, (2019/06). <Link> (MOST-106-2628-E-006-002-MY3

Y.-H. Chen, *Y.-H. Chen, W.-D. Hsu, Y.-C. Chung, H.-S. Sheu, J.-J. Lee, S.-K. Lin,

"Using the high-temperature phase transition of iron sulfide minerals as an indicator of fault slip temperature"

Scientific Reports, 9, 7950. (2019/05) <Link(MOST 106-2116-M-006-006

S.-G. Lin, H.-H. Yang, Y.-H. Su, K.-L. Chang, C.-H. Yang, *S.-K. Lin 

"CALPHAD-assisted morphology control of manganese sulfide inclusions in free-cutting steels"

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 779, 844-855, (2019/03). (MOST 104-2622-8-006-001 and 105-2622-8-006-001<Link>


R.-N. Nasara, *S.-K. Lin

"Recent Developments in Using Computational Materials Design for High-Performance Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries"

Multiscale Science and Engineering, 1, 87-107, (2019/03).

(MOST 105-2221-E-006-189-MY3 and MOST 107-2923-E-006-005-MY2 and MOST 107-3017-F-006-003<Link>


C. -H. Yang, S. Zhou, *S. -K. Lin, H. Nishikawa

''A Computational Thermodynamics-Assisted Development of Sn-Bi-In-Ga Quaternary Alloys as Low-Temperature Pb-Free Solders'' 

Materials, 12, 631, (2019/02). <Link(MOST-106-2628-E-006-002-MY3

S. Zhou, C.-H. Yang, S.-K. Lin, A. N. AlHazaa, O. Mokhtari, X. Liu, H. Nishikawa 

"Effects of Ti addition on the microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical resistivity of eutectic Sn58Bi alloy

Materials Science & Engineering A, 744, 560-569, (2019/01). <Link>



*S.-K. Lin, C.-Y. Yeh, and M.-J Wang

"On the formation mechanism of solid-solution Cu-to-Cu joints in the Cu/Ni/Ga/Ni/Cu system"

Materials Characterization, 137, 14-23, (2018/06). (MOST 101-2221-E-006-113, 103-2221-E-006-043 and 105-2119-M-006-008<Link>


*M. Asadikiya, Y. Zhu, S. Gopalan, Y.-C. Chuang, P.-C. Tsai, R.-N. Nasara, S.-K. Lin, Y. Zhong 

Integrated Investigation of the Li4Ti5O12 Phase Stability

Ionics, 24, 707-713, (2018/03). (MOST 105-2221-E-006-189-MY3 and MOST 105-3113-E-019-CC2<Link>


J.-S. Huang, C.-L. Huang, Y.-C. Liu, *S.-K. Lin, T.-S. Chan and H.-W. Tu

"Ab-initio-aided sensitizer design for Mn4+-activated Mg2TiO4 as an ultra-bright fluoride-free red emitting phosphor

Chemistry of Materials, 30, 1769-1775 (2018/02). (MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3 and 103-2221-E-006-071<Link>



*S.-K. Lin, Y.-C. Liu, S.-J. Chiu, Y.-T. Liu, and H.-Y. Lee

"The electromigration effect revisited: non-uniform local tensile stress-driven diffusion"

Scientific Reports, 7, 3082, (2017/06). (MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3)​<Link>

R.-N. Nasara, P.-C. Tsai, and *S.-K. Lin 

"One‐Step Synthesis of Highly Oxygen‐Deficient Lithium Titanate Oxide with Conformal Amorphous Carbon Coating as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries"

Adv Mater Interfaces. 2017, 1700329, (2017/05). (MOST 105-3113-E-006-019-CC2 and MOST 105-2221-E-006-189-MY3) <Link>


*S.-K. Lin, M.-J. Wang, C.-Y. Yeh, H.-M. Chang, Y.-C. Liu 

"High-strength and thermal stable Cu-to-Cu joint fabricated with transient molten Ga and Ni under-bump-metallurgy

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 702,  561-567, (2017/04). (MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3 and MOST 104-2119-M-006-012) <Link>

C.-M. Wu, P.-I. Pan, Y.-W. Cheng, M. Avdeev, C.-P. Liu, *C.-C. Chang, S.-K. Lin

"The mechanism of the sodiation and desodiation in Super P carbon electrode for sodium-ion battery

J. Power Sources, 340, 14-21, (2017/02). (MOST 105-2221-E-006-189-MY3) <Link>


*S.-K. Lin, S. Nagao, E. Yokoi, C. Oh, H. Zhang, Y.-C. Liu, S.-G. Lin and K. Suganuma

"Nano-volcanic Eruption of Silver"

Scientific Reports, 6, 34769, (2016/10). (MOST 103-2221-E-006-043-MY3 and MOST 104-2119-M-006-012) <Link>


C.-S. Huang, M.-C. Chang, C.L. Huang, *S.-K. Lin

"Thin-film photoluminescent properties and the atomistic model of Mg2TiO4 as a non-rare earth matrix material for red-emitting phosphor"

J. Electron. Mater. 45, 6214-6221, (2016/08). (MOST 103-221-E-006-071) <Link>



A. Dezfoli, S.-K. Lin and *W.-D. Hsu

"Simulations of domain pattern in lead–titanate by molecular dynamics simulations aided q-state Potts model

Comput. Mater. Sci. 110, 221-226, (2015/12). (NSC 102-2221-E-006-076-MY3) <Link>

S.-C. Wu, S.-G. Lin, Y.-H. Su, *S.-K. Lin and M.-J. Lu


Mining & Metallurgy, (2015/09). (MOST-102-2622-E-006-032) <Link>

P.-C. Tsai, S.-C. Chung, S.-K. Lin and *A. Yamada

"Ab initio study of sodium intercalation into disordered carbon

J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 9763-9768, (2015). (MOST 103-3113-E-024-001) <Link>

*S.-K Lin, H.-M. Chang, C.-L. Cho, Y.-C. Liu and Y.-K. Kuo

"Formation of solid-solution Cu-to-Cu joints using Ga solder and Pt under bump metallurgy for three-dimensional integrated circuits

Electron. Mater. Lett. 11, 687-694, (2015). <Link>

*S.-K. Lin, Y.-H. Wang and H.-C. Kuo

"Strong coupling effects during Cu/In/Ni interfacial reactions at 280 °C

Intermetallics. 58, 91-97, (2015). (MOST 103-2221-E-006-043- MY3) <Link>

S.-K. Lin, R.-B. Chang, *S.-W. Chen, M.-Y. Tsai, and C.-M. Hsu

"Solid-state reactions between Sn-20In-xZn solders and Ag and Ni substrates"

Mater. Chem. Phys. 154, 60-65, (2015). (NSC97-2221-E-007-067-MY3) <Link>



W.-T. Liu, C.-I. Hsiao, and *W.-D. Hsu

"Role of surface on the size-dependent mechanical properties of copper nano-wire under tensile load: A molecular dynamics simulation

Appl. Surf. Sci, 289, 47-52 (2014). (NSC-100-2221-E-006-144) <Link>

S.-L. Chang, *S.-Y. Lin, S.-K. Lin, and *M-F Lin 

"Geometric and electronic properties of edge-decorated graphene nanoribbons"

Scientific Reports, 4, 6038 (2014). (NSC101-2221-E-006-113) <Link> 

*S.-K. Lin, M.-Y. Tsai, P.-C. Tsai, and B.-H. Hsu

"Formation of alternating interfacial layers in the Au-12Ge/Ni joints"

Scientific Reports, 4, 4557 (2014). (NSC101-2221-E-006-113) <Link>

S.-K. Lin, R.-B. Chang, *S.-W. Chen, M.-Y. Tsai, and C.-M. Hsu 

"Effects of zinc on the interfacial reactions of tin-indium solder joints with copper"

J. Mater. Sci. 49, 3805-3815, (2014). (NSC97-2221-E-007-067-MY3) <Link>

P.-C. Tsai, W.-D. Hsu and *S.-K. Lin

"Atomistic structure and ab initio electrochemical properties of the Li4Ti5O12 defect spinel for Li ion batteries"

J. Electrochem. Soc. 161, A439-A444, (2014). (NSC101-2221-E-006-113) <Link>

*S.-K. Lin, T. L. Nguyen, S.-C. Wu, and Y.-H. Wang

"Effective suppression of interfacial intermetallic compound growth between Sn-58 wt. % Bi solders and Cu substrates by minor Ga addition"

J. Alloy. Compd. 586, 319-327, (2014). (NSC101-2221-E-006-113) <Link>            

(Paper Awarded: 2013 TPCA PCB Outstanding Thesis Award)

*S.-K. Lin, C.-L. Cho, and H.-M. Chang 

"Interfacial reactions in the Cu/Ga and Cu/Ga/Cu couples"

J. Electron. Mater. 43, 204-211, (2014). (NSC101-2221-E-006-113) <Link>              

(Paper Awarded: 2012 TPCA PCB Outstanding Thesis Award)


2013 and Before

I.-H. Chen, C.-I. Hsiao, Rakesh K Behera, and *W.-D. Hsu

"Defect Formation by Pristine Indenter at the Initial Stage of Nanoindentation,"

J. Appl. Phys. 114, 214305, (2013). (NSC-99-2221-E-006-044) <Link>


W.-T. Liu, C.-I. Hsiao, and *W.-D. Hsu,

"Elucidating asymmetric yield behavior of copper nano-wires during tensile and compressive load,"

J. Appl. Phys. 114, 143503, (2013). (NSC-100-2221-E-006-144) <Link>


C.-W. Cheng, C.-F. Shih, Rakesh K. Behera, *W.-D. Hsu,

"Investigation of initial stages of nano-ceramic particle sintering using atomistic simulations,"

Surf. Coat. Technol. 231, 316-322, (2013). (NSC- 99-2221-E-006-044) <Link>


*S.-W. Chen, C.-W. Hsu, S.-K. Lin,  and C.-M. Hsu, 

"Reaction evolution in Sn-20.0 wt. % In-2.8 wt. % Ag/Ni couples,"

J. Mater. Res. 28, 3257-3260, (2013). (NSC97-2221-E-007-067-MY3) <Link>


S.-K. Lin, C.-W. Hsu, *S.-W. Chen, and C.-M. Hsu,

"Interfacial reactions in Sn-20In-2.8Ag/Cu couples,"

Mater. Chem. Phys. 142, 268-275, (2013). (NSC97-2221-E-007-067-MY3) <Link>


*S.-K. Lin,  C.-K. Yeh, W. Xie, Y.-C. Liu, and M. Yoshimura, 

"Ab initio-aided CALPHAD thermodynamic modeling of the Sn-Pb binary system under current stressing,"

Scientific Reports, 3, 2731 (2013). (NSC101-2221-E-006-113) <Link> <Open Access>                              

(Paper Awarded: 2012 MRS-T Outstanding Poster Award)


*S.-K. Lin, C.-K. Yeh, B. Puchala, Y.-L. Lee, and D. Morgan,

"Ab initio energetics of charge compensating point defects: A case study on MgO,"

Comp. Mater. Sci. 73, 41-55 (2013). (NSC100-2218-E-006-034) <Link>                                                                                                      

(Paper Awarded: 2012 IUMRS-ICEM Award for Encouragement of Research in Materials Science)


*S.-W. Chen, A.-R. Zi, W. Gierlotka, C.-F. Yang, C.-H. Wang, S.-K. Lin and C.-M. Hsu,

"Phase equilibria of Sn-Sb-Cu system,"

Mater. Chem. Phys. 132, 703-715 (2012).  (NSC95-2221-E-007-205) <Link>


S.-K. Lin, K.-D. Chen, H. Chen, W.-K. Liou and *Y.-W. Yen,

"Abnormal spalling phenomena in the Sn-0.7Cu/Au/Ni/SUS304 interfacial reactions,"

J. Mater. Res. 25, 2278-2286 (2010). (NSC97-2221-E-011-080,  NSC98-2221-E-011-042) <Link>


*S.-W. Chen, C.-M. Hsu, Y.-C. Huang, S.-K. Lin, C.-M. Chen and K.-W. Pan,

"Wetting, interfacial reaction, phase equilibria and solidification of multicomponent systems in Pb-free soldering materials (Sn-Ag-Cu-Ni, Sn-In-Cu-Ni and Sn-In-Ag-Ni)," (in Chinese)

Eng. Sci. Technol. Bull. 109, 65 (2010). (NSC96-2221-E-007-001)


W.-D. Hsu, Christopher Fell, Sharon Pregler, and *Susan B. Sinnott

"Chemical Modification of Polypropylene and Polystyrene through Fluorocarbon Ion Beam Deposition,"

J. Phys. Chem. C. 111 (2009). <Link>


W.-D. Hsu, *A. Violi,

"Order-Disorder Phase Transformation of Triacylglycerols : Effect of the Structure of the Aliphatic Chains,"

J. Phys. Chem. B. 113, 887–893 (2009). <Link>


S.-K. Lin, T.-Y. Chung,

*S.-W. Chen and C.-H. Chang, "250 oC Isothermal Section of the Ternary Sn-In-Cu Phase Equilibria,"

J. Mater. Res. 24, 2628-2637 (2009). (NSC97-2218-E-007-002) <Link>


M. A. Miller, S.-K. Lin and *S. E. Mohney, 

"V/Al/V/Ag Contacts to n-GaN and n-Al0.58Ga0.42N," 

J. Appl. Phys. 104, 064508 (2008). <Link>


S.-K. Lin, C.-F. Yang, S.-H. Wu and *S.-W. Chen, 

"Liquidus Projection and Solidification of the Sn-In-Cu Ternary Alloys"

J. Electron. Mater. 37, 498-506 (2008). (NSC96-2221-E-007-001) <Link>


W.-D. Hsu, S. Tepavcevic, *L. Hanley and S.B. Sinnott,

"Mechanistic Studies of Surface Polymerization by Ion-assisted Deposition,"

Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111 (2007<Link>


W.-D. Hsu, I. Jang and S.B. Sinnott,

"Chemical Modification of The Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Surface Through Fluorocarbon Ion Beam Depositions,"

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 25 (2007<Link>


W.-D. Hsu, M. Ichihashi, T. Kondow and *S.B.Sinnott,

"Ab initio molecular dynamics study of methanol adsorption on copper clusters,"

J. Phys. Chem. A. 111 (2007<Link>


S.-K. Lin, Y. Yorikado, J.-X. Jiang, K.-S. Kim, *K. Suganuma, *S.-W. Chen, M. Tsujimoto, I. Yanada, 

"Microstructure Development of Mechanical Deformation-induced Sn Whiskers,"

J. Electron. Mater. 36, 1732-1734 (2007). (NSC95-2221-E-007-205) <Link>                                   

(Paper Awarded: Editors’ Choice Articles 2007/2008)


W. Gierlotka, *S.-W. Chen and S.-K. Lin

"Thermodynamic Description of the Cu-Sn System,"

J. Mater. Res. 22, 3158-3165 (2007). <Link>


S.-K. Lin, Y. Yorikado, J.-X. Jiang, K.-S. Kim, *K. Suganuma, *S.-W. Chen, M. Tsujimoto, I. Yanada, 

"Mechanical Deformation-induced Sn Whiskers Growth on Electroplated Films in the AdvancedFlexible Electronic Packaging,"

J. Mater. Res. 22, 1975-1986 (2007). <Link>               

(Paper Awarded: TPCA PCB Outstanding Thesis Award-Merit Prize)


*S.-W. Chen, C.-H. Wang, S.-K. Lin, C.-N. Chiu and C.-C. Chen, 

"Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution in Solder Joints,"

JOM. 59, 39-43 (2007). (NSC95-2218-E-007-028) <Link>


*S.-W. Chen, C.-H. Wang, S.-K. Lin and C.-N. Chiu, 

"Phase Diagrams of Pb-Free Solders and their Related Materials Systems,"

J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 18, 19-37 (2007). (NSC94-2214-E-007-006) <Link>


W.-D. Hsu, I. Jang and S.B. Sinnott,

"Computational Investigation of the Chemical Modification of Polystyrene through Fluorocarbon and Hydrocarbon Ion Beam Deposition."

Chemistry of Materials. 18 (2006). <Link>


*S.-W. Chen and S.-K. Lin

"Electric Current-induced Abnormal Cu/γ-InSn4 Interfacial Reactions,"

J. Mater. Res. 21, 3065-3071 (2006). (NSC94-2214-E-007-006) <Link>                                  

(Paper Awarded: TPCA PCB Outstanding Thesis Award-Gold Medal)


S.-K. Lin and *S.-W. Chen, 

"Interfacial Reactions in the Sn-20at%In/Cu and Sn-20at%In/Ni Couples at 160oC,"

J. Mater. Res. 21, 1712-1717 (2006). (NSC94-2214-E-007-006) <Link>                  

(Paper Awarded: TMS Outstanding Student Paper Award-Graduate Division, 1st place)


*S.-W. Chen and S.-K. Lin

"Effects of Temperature on Interfacial Reactions in the γ-InSn4/Ni Couples,"

J. Mater. Res. 21, 1161-1166 (2006). (NSC94-2214-E-007-006) <Link>


*S-W. Chen, S.-K. Lin and C.-F. Yang, 

"Interfacial Reactions in the Pb-free Composite Solders with Indium Layers,"

J. Electron. Mater. 35, 72-75 (2006). (NSC92-2214-E-007-022) <Link>


*S.-W. Chen, S.-K. Lin and C.-Y. Chou,

"Investigation of Reactive Wetting," (in Chinese), 

J. Chin. Colloid & Interface Soc. 26, 83-88 (2004).


*S.-W. Chen, S.-K. Lin and J.-M. Jao,

"Electromigration Effects upon Interfacial Reactions in the Flip-chip Solder Joints,"

Mater. Trans., JIM 45, 661-665 (2004). (NSC91-2214-E-007-013) <Link>

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